This place is pretty cool... you have some girls like @Stripped Rights @Schrödinger’s Donnie and @paulyc but they are pretty cool... they just doing what them libtards we all love do... then you have @PLX @JackTheBear and @Picasso who think everyone is Donnie... good guys but kinda paranoid... also PLX is an asshat but post some really good guitar clips and knows his shit about amp builds and such... then there is everyone else all 15 or 20 of us trying to have a good time....
but again no mean girls because you can tell people what you think here and say things like fuck, fuck off, go fuck yourself, dickhead, cumbucket, fannyfairy, thuder twat and such and not get banned... You can only get banned if it's racist or you threaten someone....
also, also @Monkey Man and the other mods are cool as shit and there are a couple of stickies that explain stuff.
Good luck and happy poasting.