Is crypto currency...

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yeah but it was at $.60 last week. Now it’s in the toilet. Just because you got lucky and made some cash in 10 minutes dont mean shit. Lol.

And it's at .43 this morning. This shit goes up and down, you just don't panic and do something stupid like sell low.

Also you need to understand there are long haul cryptos (BTC, ETH) that you put your money in for the long haul.

Then there are high volatility ones like DOGE that you trade more.

This is really much like the stock market. Also you need to understand value. Value is not something physical you can hold in your hands, value is what people are willing to pay for it.

Here's an example, Microsoft Windows, just a bunch of 1's, and 0's arranged in a particular order. However it has had a very high value over the years.
When CuntNutz doesn't reply you know he's been caught in another lie. 🤣

LieNutz 🤣🤡🤣

Conspiratorial minds want to know :ROFLMAO:

It's called a limit order, dip shit. You set a limit order of .37 then go about your business. That's the price I'm willing to sell at, when the price reaches or exceeds, and there are buy orders from other people (which there will be) they will buy at my price.
You are pure retard aren't you? 🤣

The price went from 0.27 to 0.37 in 30 minutes not 10 🤡🤣🤡

It's literally impossible what you said yesterday 😂

You're an imbecile :hys:.

I bought it on a market order at .27, watched it for 10mins, put in the limit sale order for .37, went about my business. THE FUCKING EXCHANGE SOLD IT FOR ME at .37 Pay special attention to " 10 min time investment"

For example, bought DOGE at 0.27 this morning, 10 mins later sold at 0.37. tah dah! $370 worth of profit for a 10 min time investment is pretty god damn sweet.
Bahahaha , you literally say bought it at 0.27 and 10 minutes later sold it at 0.37.

You are a special blend of retaRd aren't you 🤣🤡🤣

10 mins later I put in the sale order for .37, how is that not registering in your mind :ROFLMAO:

Go do some trading so you don't sound like a dunce next time you try to "EXPOSE" something :hys:
I'm well aware of what a limit order is retard. 🤣🤡🤣

That has nothing to do with what you said. You said you bought Doge coin at 0.27 and 10 minutes later sold it at 0.37 tah dah 🤡🤣🤡

yeah 10 mins later I put in an order to sell it, that order was a limit sale order for .37 . WTF is wrong with you LOL.
So if I place a limit order to sell 2 minutes after I bought it and it reached my target 3 hours later, then tah dah! I made a profit in 2 minutes? 🤡🤣🤡

you invested 2 mins of your time. Which is what I said ("$370 worth of profit for a 10 min time investment", dump cake.
Bahahaha sure thing retard. 🤣

I'm making money from crypto, you're crying about crypto, and making nothing. If that somehow makes me the retard in your schizophrenic mind, then so be it. :hys: 🤡 :hys:
Don't worry about me. I don't need to brag to people on Rig Talk about my investments 🤡

I give examples, and info on request. You call that bragging because you're a schizophrenic hater. Don't be hating 🤡
Don't worry about me. I don't need to brag to people on Rig Talk about my investments 🤡

Clearly you are retarded and had to change the narrative of your original story 🤣🤡🤣
Right? The guy thinks he's Rockefeller by the way he boasts about his profits, yet the pictures of himself prove otherwise.
"Hey guys! My SoyCoin just skyrocketed from .00000038 to .00001015! Soy lattes and tofu dogs are on the house!" 🤓
"Hey guys! My SoyCoin just skyrocketed from .00000038 to .00001015! Soy lattes and tofu dogs are on the house!" 🤓

Nice! I'll take a steak, and a beer. Save the soy for your boys 🤡
Here is LieNutz original post.

"For example, bought DOGE at 0.27 this morning, 10 mins later sold at 0.37. tah dah! $370 worth of profit for a 10 min time investment is pretty god damn sweet."

You said Sold 10 minutes later, but the fact is it didn't sell until 30 minutes later clown 🤡🤣🤡

Hey man, I listed a guitar on eBay, and 10 minutes later I put a buy it now price. It didn’t sell for months, but it only took me 10 minutes of my time!
Hey man, I listed a guitar on eBay, and 10 minutes later I put a buy it now price. It didn’t sell for months, but it only took me 10 minutes of my time!

If you actually only put in10 mins, then that is a perfectly sound statement (y)
I've said it before, and i'll say it again DO NOT RESIST PROGRESS, you can't, and if you've got an emotional connection with the good ol days that is a recipe for self obsolescence.