Is Donnie B allowed back now?

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Like one of his French girls?
Yes - he pictures you this way

The punishment of Prometheus for stealing fire from Olympus and giving it to humans is that Zeus condemned Prometheus to eternal torment for his transgression. Prometheus was bound to a rock, and an eagle was sent to eat his liver (in ancient Greece, the liver was thought to be the seat of human emotions). His liver would then grow back overnight, only to be eaten again the next day in an ongoing cycle.

-- Mythology Of The Past, Simon & Schuster, 1975
Yes ok but when you said Prometheus I wasn't thinking Greek Mythology because the thing you were asking to compare it to "The Big Lebowski" was a movie. Although my answer they are two movies was deliberately Captain Obvious to be funny, Prometheus was also a movie in the "Alien" series of movies. Although obviously it was named after the Greek mythology.
Yes ok but when you said Prometheus I wasn't thinking Greek Mythology because the thing you were asking to compare it to "The Big Lebowski" was a movie. Although my answer they are two movies was deliberately Captain Obvious to be funny, Prometheus was also a movie in the "Alien" series of movies. Although obviously it was named after the Greek mythology.
@Thumbpicker had a previous account under "baby koala". Might wanna check that out. Careful, he's meaner than he is cute, lol.
@Thumbpicker had a previous account under "baby koala". Might wanna check that out. Careful, he's meaner than he is cute, lol.
Koalas and Opossums are both marsupials - remember that... Not to mention possums which are different to Opossums.

Anyway why do think I'm a "baby Koala". I'm old enough to be your grand daddy no doubt.
Anyway why do think I'm a "baby Koala". I'm old enough to be your grand daddy no doubt.
I like to say it because it sounds funny. If it makes you feel any better I had a teacher that threw me out of class a few times for calling him "possum", lol. I doubt you are old enough to be my grandpa but it feels good to hear you say that so I won't argue about it.