Is it just me, or are Creambacks bassy?

I don’t find the M65’s overly bassy. Sound like a GB flavored speaker that holds together. Much better than the regular 65’s. Any H speaker sounds terrible to me. All bass and highs, no mids. At least for live they suck.

I've been using both M25s and H75s for more than a decade and to my ears, the H75s have a thicker and more throaty mid-range growl than the M25s, which sound thin and scooped in comparison. Don't get me wrong, I love Greenbacks. And they are not scooped speakers. It's just the H75s are that much thicker than the Greenies. The H30s, though, do sound more brash to me. Are you're referring to those?
I've been using both M25s and H75s for more than a decade and to my ears, the H75s have a thicker and more throaty mid-range growl than the M25s, which sound thin and scooped in comparison. Don't get me wrong, I love Greenbacks. And they are not scooped speakers. It's just the H75s are that much thicker than the Greenies. The H30s, though, do sound more brash to me. Are you're referring to those?
Yes the H30’s I had in a cab eons ago. Took it to a gig and kept thinking “ where is my guitar ?” The lows were eaten up by the bass guitar and highs by the cymbals. Mids cranked and still couldn’t hear it. A friend has a vintage cab with pre rola H30’s, same deal. Recording redbacks, same thing. Recordings I hear of H 75’s I hear the same thing.

I like GB ‘s in 412 cabs in the room, but not recording. For me the m65’s record alot better, more full range but with the GB voice.
Tried an M65 in a 1x12 many years ago and hated it.

Recently bought a bogner Helios 2x12 with a v30/m65 combo and completely changed my opinion. Best live sound I’ve had honestly. The grunt from the 65 pairs so well with the v30.
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I prefer the Avatar AV75 over any of the standard Cream/Green variants. To me, the 75 is like a perfected mix between an H & M. The Fane M65 has a super tight bass and vocal midrange - nice speaker there but it is not as wide of a spectrum as the AV75.

EDIT: I know the 75 is kind of like their H version, but I honestly have disliked every other H style I have tried, as I am a 'mids forward' kinda guy. That being said, somehow the 75 has lots of top and bottom to shape and play with but also a very vocal, open, present midrange.
Tried an M65 in a 1x12 many years ago and hated it.

Recently bought a bogner Helios 2x12 with a v30/m65 combo and completely changed my opinion. Best live sound I’ve had honestly. The grunt from the 65 pairs so well with the v30.
1-12 cabs are difficult for me to get a tone out of them. So far a Mesa 1-12 semi open back with an EV is the only one I have had luck with.
The cab I use most is a 80's Peavey cab with Vintage 30 in the bottom and G12H-75 creamback on top.

I like plenty of bass. It's a fairly modern voice compared with my other 4x12 cabs. Very balanced actually.
1-12 cabs are difficult for me to get a tone out of them. So far a Mesa 1-12 semi open back with an EV is the only one I have had luck with.

I honestly gave up on them mostly but I do use them for wet cabs. I have an old avatar 1x12 that I keep in my garage cause it just isn’t worth selling and you never know