Is this an amp collecting club?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Japetus The Great
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screamindemon":91f99 said:
Man I wish that new Marshall would get here! :?


Man, out of everyone's gear here, I think your stuff is my favorite :love:
SgtThump":ddc76 said:
Here's my take on the situation (which isn't anything groundbreaking...)

Guys that are now in their 30s and 40s used to dream of owning a bunch of guitars, amps, pedals, etc... when they first started getting into playing at age 14 or whatever. Of course, they could only afford a piece of crap guitar and amp back then, because they were so young.

Now that these same people have careers, they can afford to buy a bunch of stuff that they always wanted. I personally think it's as simple as that, but that's just my opinion. I know that's the category I fall into for sure.

Alot of kids you see online nowadays already have nice crap at the age of 18 or whatever. That amazes me, as I had nothing but junk for a long time! And no, I'm not jealous. I'm just saying...


That's a lot of how I feel about it too. I couldn't afford shit when I was younger, and I can now. I'm not trying to relive my youth or anything I just like lots of different amps.

Also, I have NO guitar shops around me at all. In order for me to even see a new amp, or different brand, I 've got to drive 3 1/2 hours to St Louis, and it's a crap shoot then. So if I wanted to try an amp, I did a lot of research on prices, then searched until I found one at a cheap enough price that I could unload it and at least get my money back. The funny thing about searching for a cheap amp is that you never find just one! If I was looking for a JCM 800 and the going price is 800.00 I'd find one for 650.00, and as soon as I bought it, I'd find two more for 550.00-600.00. So I'd buy them and keep the best out of the group, then sell off the other two at the going price of 800.00 and I'd find that I got the amp I kept for damn near free so I'd squirrel it away and start looking for the next amp.

Also, I've found that a lot of the time when you're dealing with old amps, you'll find two identical amps that sound so much different from each other that they both warrant keeping them. Same with cabs. I like cabinets, and I like the way different cabinets sound. So I've bought and sold a bunch of them and I've kept a lot of them.

It doesn't hurt much that I'm a packrat either... :o :o :o
Japetus The Great":05842 said:
On the real, sometimes I feel some of you guys are just in it to collect amps...not really giving a fuck about tones that will fit in a band situation.

It pisses me off.

It's always the "new thing"

Believe it or not, there are amps being built on the advice of these same people!!!

People are in it for different reasons, and sometimes it's just a matter of circumstance.
SgtThump":2dfdf said:
Here's my take on the situation (which isn't anything groundbreaking...)

Guys that are now in their 30s and 40s used to dream of owning a bunch of guitars, amps, pedals, etc... when they first started getting into playing at age 14 or whatever. Of course, they could only afford a piece of crap guitar and amp back then, because they were so young.

Now that these same people have careers, they can afford to buy a bunch of stuff that they always wanted. I personally think it's as simple as that, but that's just my opinion. I know that's the category I fall into for sure.

Alot of kids you see online nowadays already have nice crap at the age of 18 or whatever. That amazes me, as I had nothing but junk for a long time! And no, I'm not jealous. I'm just saying...


It took me 15 years before I started buying decent gear :D
screamindemon":8afa2 said:
I don't see a problem. I can stop anytime.
People say addiction, I'm not addicted.
I could stop today if I wanted too.
No really I can quit cold turkey.

Man I wish that new Marshall would get here! :?


My favorite rig :o

I can't wait to get my rack together :x
Japetus The Great":085e8 said:
On the real, sometimes I feel some of you guys are just in it to collect amps...not really giving a fuck about tones that will fit in a band situation.

It pisses me off.

It's always the "new thing"

Believe it or not, there are amps being built on the advice of these same people!!!

Im a bedroom warrior and proud so neaner, neaner, neaner! HahaLOL!

Or at least I was until a few weeks ago.
Japetus The Great":1b11c said:
On the real, sometimes I feel some of you guys are just in it to collect amps...not really giving a fuck about tones that will fit in a band situation.

It pisses me off.

It's always the "new thing"

Believe it or not, there are amps being built on the advice of these same people!!!




Players, who play live/studio

Bedroom players

Sick twisted individuals who play live/studio/bedroom who know NO compromise when it comes to KILLER tone and versatility AND have the means to facilitate the gear a tone snob's wet dreams are made of.
some ppl want to try lots of different flavors. hey, if you can- why not?
i think most guitarists of any persuasion would do so if the solvency thing weren't an issue. and some do so regardless...
if it doesn't outright effect you, don't let it bug you! if you like the one guitar, one amp thing cool!
:Kd :Kc :2s :7s :5h :2h :9h :9c 4c :3c

Pssst btw there's always the OT forum.
Japetus The Great":4940c said:
On the real, sometimes I feel some of you guys are just in it to collect amps...not really giving a fuck about tones that will fit in a band situation.

It pisses me off.

It's always the "new thing"

Believe it or not, there are amps being built on the advice of these same people!!!

I'm a basement wanker. I saw the light today and sold it all for a Peavey Rage!!!!
i've been in a band since i was i'm 33, still in a band...still fukken broke too. :D

i wish i had the dough to have a "awesome amp list" like some of these guys but i don't...that's why i come look at theirs. :D
Brian -

You keep on like this, I'm not going to invite you over to play my JVM!!!! :mrgreen:
daver101":c61bf said:
Brian -

You keep on like this, I'm not going to invite you over to play my JVM!!!! :mrgreen:

You have way to many amps :D
SQUAREHEAD":80009 said:

Nice collection, Bro!!
My collection is basically old Marshall 100 watters...

1966 100 watt Plexi KT66 JTM45 - aluminum chassis
1967 100 watt JMP Plexi
1968 100 watt JMP Plexi
1970 100 watt JMP Metal front
1972 100 watt JMP
1972 100 watt JMP - Jose modded
1973 100 watt JMP
1974 100 watt JMP (pcb)
Bogner Xtcy 100B
Bogner Xtcy 100B
Bogner Xtcy Classic
5150 Block logo - (old one-like it makes a difference-lol)
Pearce G2r - 200 watt SS - Best SS amp ever!

I think that's it. I sold three Marshalls a few months
ago to pay for another

Keith :)
You need a Herbert, Keith :D

Nice collection, Bro!!
My collection is basically old Marshall 100 watters...

1966 100 watt Plexi KT66 JTM45 - aluminum chassis
1967 100 watt JMP Plexi
1968 100 watt JMP Plexi
1970 100 watt JMP Metal front
1972 100 watt JMP
1972 100 watt JMP - Jose modded
1973 100 watt JMP
1974 100 watt JMP (pcb)
Bogner Xtcy 100B
Bogner Xtcy 100B
Bogner Xtcy Classic
5150 Block logo - (old one-like it makes a difference-lol)
Pearce G2r - 200 watt SS - Best SS amp ever!

Thanks, sounds like you've got the tone machines yourself to do the job. Very impressive and commendable. :Ad :Ac :Ah :As
duesentrieb":6ba36 said:
You need a Herbert, Keith :D

Hey Olaf!!!
How you do'n??
If I could get the channel one on Herby to
break up a bit, I'd do it! I just NEVER use
a clean - CLEAN channel...

SQUAREHEAD":3ce1f said:

Hey Olaf!!!
How you do'n??
If I could get the channel one on Herby to
break up a bit, I'd do it! I just NEVER use
a clean - CLEAN channel...

Hey - just ask Carl to borrow you the correct pedal for this purpose ;-)

Hi Keith, the four french fries with kraut-sauce are fine, thanks for asking :-)
duesentrieb":67c99 said:
Hey - just ask Carl to borrow you the correct pedal for this purpose ;-)

Hi Keith, the four french fries with kraut-sauce are fine, thanks for asking :-)

I love your avater, Olaf!!
"Just a flesh wound" har har har har...
