I know this is an old topic and I'm not taking anyone's side since I know very little about SRV guitars and I'm really not that interested in them. Just wanted to share a bit of info about Brazilian rosewood in general that may help shed some light in the topic.
In 1967, the Brazilian government outlawed the export of Brazilian rosewood logs and in 1992 the newly formed CITES convention declared Brazilian rosewood a threatened species. As a result, most nations throughout the world declared it illegal to harvest, export or import any Brazilian rosewood (including products produced from Brazilian rosewood) harvested after 1992. In 2008 the United States Congress expanded the Lacey Act to include wood products and required chain of custody for every step of ownership of Brazilian rosewood to insure compliance with U.S.A. and international regulations. In order for products made from Brazilian rosewood to be legal, you must have documentation that the rosewood was already cut prior to the bans.
That is correct, just to add pre July 1992 one must have documentation and inform CITES to get a legal document
to have any even fully made/built form of Brazilian Rosewood and you cannot sell it period re CITES Law in July 1992.
With proof with paper work from the company that had legal right to use it, were it came from/dates etc.
Without this you are breaking the Law.
After July 1992 ALL Brazilian Rosewood wood is totally banned period. That Law still stands today,
bar with documentation from CITES pre July 1992 as mentioned above.
In January 2017 CITES banned ALL rosewood which also effected guitars,
In November 2019 that CITES rule was lifted but the Brazilian Rosewood Law sadly still stands.
I have now closed a story i do now understand, and thank you to all who made me aware
of this before i spent £5,000 on a guitar with Brazilian Rosewood as it would of been destroyed,
if seller had of sent it fraudently i would be breaking the law, i wonder how many think
there Brazilian guitars are rare and worth money, hmmm scary stuff guys.