Is used digital gear really cheap in your neck of the woods?

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It was usually the analog preamps and outputs before and after the digital ciruits is what gives the old units more unique tone. Most things these days skip all that and go straight into the AD / DA converters, so they all sound like of plain and pristine.
Yeah they certainly have a sound, it's just not something I've ever had a massive interest in. Fortunate for me really - a Lexicon 480L and a few old DDL's is a 10-15k exercise I can do without. I could retube all our amps for that....almost.
Yeah they certainly have a sound, it's just not something I've ever had a massive interest in. Fortunate for me really - a Lexicon 480L and a few old DDL's is a 10-15k exercise I can do without. I could retube all our amps for that....almost.
I think a lot of things have been dumbed down also. You could tweak the older units like crazy, and now they try to make everything as simple as possible. I dont have the older super expensive stuff, but I do have some 90's rack stuff, and it definitely has more character than the newer stuff. It can be a pain though without computer editors and the need for analog mixers.
I’ve seen this stuff incredibly cheap on San Francisco Craigslist. Personally, I thought the kemper was the single greatest piece of shit I’ve ever come across. There has been an axefx 2 listed for months and it gets cheaper and cheaper. Nobody wants the old axefx, they want the shiny and new axefx 3 with the multi colored shiny new screen, perhaps it’s even a touch screen? Once you see that heap of junk the older models look like fossils/ and because they don’t look as good, the average digital tone hunter will “hear,” a major difference in tone and declare the axe 3 as the holy grail of axe tone and declare the axe 2 obsolete.
I honestly still like my Axe 2. I only really wanted to sell it, because I want to make more space. The size is the only thing that's a con to me at this point. I'll probably just end up taking it to guitar center and trading it for something.