It might take time but I’ll find itOoh that’s a lot of magazines to go through. I appreciate it man ??
It might take time but I’ll find itOoh that’s a lot of magazines to go through. I appreciate it man ??
They have gone up so high. Thry were cheap on Craigslist up until Covid. Then the great price hike of 2020 happened and all gear went up to the most preposterous prices.Mark IV's are used a lot by Metallica. Mike B confirmed Hetfield's 2C++ has a Mark IV power transformer.
I'd love to find a mint Mark IV, but I refuse to pay these stupid prices they fetch.
This, all of this. I remember watching the “Year and a half” DVD. The Sad But True tracking scene was great, but between the various cabs, mics, blankets and foam used all over, plus the multi tracking and baritone use…honestly it’s pretty impossible or even pointless to try and NAIL “that” tone. The amount of tone shaping that can go into an album of TBA status is staggering, but for me that’s probably one of my favorite studio guitar sounds of all time.There’s so much fucking EQ on that album I don’t think it matters all that much which amps they used as long as they were Mesas.