JCM800 vs SLO

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bxlxaxkxe
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Are you saying this thing will turn a 2203 into an SLO? I dunno man
No, that’s the Evo. You need the Mr Scary unit.

Point being, the raw 2203 vs the SLO +/- boost w each had an appreciable difference, but no way was that a $4K appreciable difference… and the Hot Mods further opens up some options for the 2203 that *may* narrow that gap even more.
No, that’s the Evo. You need the Mr Scary unit.

Point being, the raw 2203 vs the SLO +/- boost w each had an appreciable difference, but no way was that a $4K appreciable difference… and the Hot Mods further opens up some options for the 2203 that *may* narrow that gap even more.
Nah, I have the amps. No desire to turn one into the other—they are drastically different. That preamp tube thing just seems to me like a dirt box you can’t turn off with your foot? To be fair I’ve never tried one and prob won’t unless someone gives me one
Nah, I have the amps. No desire to turn one into the other—they are drastically different. That preamp tube thing just seems to me like a dirt box you can’t turn off with your foot? To be fair I’ve never tried one and prob won’t unless someone gives me one

Best thing to happen to Marshall since the attenuator. I have one in all of my 100w Marshalls, including the 1959. The Mr Scary is the way to go because you can dial the gain to taste via a knob (unlike the Evo you pictured). With the Evo, it’s always on either lo or hi. The scary unit allows you to fine tune better and even dial to 0 as if it’s stock.

The achilles heel is that (this gen) is not foot-activated, but it is all-tube distortion, giving a “SLX” gain boost to all compatible Marshalls, which also allows you to set the amp’s gain knob back lower for different (all-amp) drive textures. Also plays with OD/Boost pedals for more gain or stacks (i.e., low-med + low-med)
The achilles heel is that (this gen) is not foot-activated, but it is all-tube distortion, giving a “SLX” gain boost to all compatible Marshalls
I know a lot of folks like em, just not for me.

Good to see you hanging over here!
the difference between the two but don’t see another $4K justified to get that over the 2203 in hand

Price was set years ago on Soldano's amps. Mike S prolly made prices what they were on his amp because that was the cost for him to build a boutique amplifier. Versus Marshall, a major corporation, with purchase ability to build Marshalls cheaper and thus have an easier pricetag for the consumer. Time moved on and the Soldano name lives in infamy and the price continues to be the price because of the name. I am sure BAD can build the amp cheaper now than Mike S ever could/can. That’s just more profit for them. Imagine if the new SLO100s came out as 1000 bucks cheaper? Everyone would think… huh, china, Vietnam, Timbuktu ? The smaller versions of the mighty SLO 100 allows the “want ins” to the SLO club with the reduced watt, lunchbox and tiny heads. Just my two dollar sense.
the difference between the two but don’t see another $4K justified to get that over the 2203 in hand

Price was set years ago on Soldano's amps. Mike S prolly made prices what they were on his amp because that was the cost for him to build a boutique amplifier. Versus Marshall, a major corporation, with purchase ability to build Marshalls cheaper and thus have an easier pricetag for the consumer. Time moved on and the Soldano name lives in infamy and the price continues to be the price because of the name. I am sure BAD can build the amp cheaper now than Mike S ever could/can. That’s just more profit for them. Imagine if the new SLO100s came out as 1000 bucks cheaper? Everyone would think… huh, china, Vietnam, Timbuktu ? The smaller versions of the mighty SLO 100 allows the “want ins” to the SLO club with the reduced watt, lunchbox and tiny heads. Just my two dollar sense.
Yeah the price of entry is a cock punch no doubt. I just picked mine up just last year because of that—I’ve been wanting one for decades. It really is a fantastic amp tho
No reason to spend the extra cash on a Soldano if you primarily want the exact 2203 sound, but the SLO crunch channel can cover for a 800 pretty well if the fatter Soldano sound and/or the OD channel is your main thing. It´s a point of view thing, I guess. The less bitey voicing actually makes it more like a plexi to my ears, but that´s another question.
No reason to spend the extra cash on a Soldano if you primarily want the exact 2203 sound, but the SLO crunch channel can cover for a 800 pretty well if the fatter Soldano sound and/or the OD channel is your main thing. It´s a point of view thing, I guess. The less bitey voicing actually makes it more like a plexi to my ears, but that´s another question.

Could not agree more with every sentence
I have and love a 1984 JCM800 and SLO100.
The Hot Mod does not make the JCM an SLO. I much prefer my JCM without that mod, because I often like to use the lo input with pedals. It messes with the lo input. And doesn't sound too much different than hitting the amp with a pedal.
The SLO crunch channel is pretty close to the JCM, bit more clarity, missing that brash upper mid krang.
I'd keep the SLO if I could only have one. Love both channels, the effects loop and great mv. It's a killer amp.
Glad I get to keep both. :)
Owned both and my Headfirst Alta is better! The Slo ends up being grating because it always has that grainy tone, the 800 is just too limiting with one channel and really only sounds good with the gain in one spot -to my ears. The Alta sounds insanely good in every level of gain with the various built in boosts. AND I have 3 channels!