Josh Homme Discussion

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Yeah there’s a reason why those are expensive on Reverb, check out the prices. Hasn’t been secret for awhile now
Every band this dude is in is terrible
fuggin thank you.
couldn't agree more.

Every time this guy comes up when i'm talking with my music geek pals, and i mention that i think hes an over rated douche, i get "aww dude, you've never heard KYUSS"
YES I HAVE! in 1996!! :mad::mad:

he looks like that condescending old punker turned rockabilly dude at the bar, who still drinks like a fish at 55, and takes gas station boner pills to feel young.
He’s the one that used the pv century right? That thing sounds horrible.
fuggin thank you.
couldn't agree more.

Every time this guy comes up when i'm talking with my music geek pals, and i mention that i think hes an over rated douche, i get "aww dude, you've never heard KYUSS"
YES I HAVE! in 1996!! :mad::mad:

he looks like that condescending old punker turned rockabilly dude at the bar, who still drinks like a fish at 55, and takes gas station boner pills to feel young.
they sell Boner pills at the gas station ??? Sweet !!
To add to the "fuck him" post I made earlier, he's actually worse than I described a few minutes ago.

Not only is he taking the time to talk about why he won't talk about his gear (when the same time could be used to talk about his gear), but he's going out of his way to highlight what a unique and mysterious pioneering frontiersman of tone he is who uses all this weird gear in "clearly unintended" ways, you know, because he's just such an enlightened free thinker unbound by all the limitations of what you're "supposed to do" unlike all us mere mortal lemming plebs down here in the slums. He knows this is just going to make the people who want to know even more curious and still says it.

What a colossal douche.

I can almost understand his philosophy of "don't be a follower, go find your own sound" and there is validity to that, but honestly man, this is not the way to push that mindset. Talk about what you use. The people without the desire to blaze their own trails will be satisfied, and the people who are going to find their own way will have one more piece of info to help them along their way.
Agree. He has also been known to kick woman in the face.
Yeah there’s a reason why those are expensive on Reverb, check out the prices. Hasn’t been secret for awhile now
Wat? I bought a Peacey Decade new way back when, as a practice amp. I probably threw it away.

RE: Josh tone; Now that I think about it, what better way to draw attention to mediocre tone than to make it a secret? Worked pretty well for Dumble.:dunno:
I guess most of you don't know that he just endured a terrible divorce from the love of his life and mother of his kids.

9 years ago his best friend got attacked and like 80+ people were murdered.

Recently he's lost 9 of his best friends.

Cancer came knocking as well.

Please go on about how terrible a human being he is for encouraging others to find their own voice rather than copy his.
Would that be the love of his life that he was verbally & physically abusive to? in the last 14 years of my life i've lost 17 people one of which was my mom. I also lost my favorite uncle & my brother, both to cancer......Guess what i'm not? a self important Douche bag that Kicks female photographers in the face for doing their Job.
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Thought I would just chime in here...Probably some minority opinions based on this thread, but:

- I thought the first two QOTSA records were pretty fuckin brilliant...After that, the quality and performances started to head south...Dramatically

- Kyuss put out some solid records...But people tend to overstate their genius as it became a signaling of "cool" to know and like the band that predated Queens

- Josh Homme has every right to conceal what gear he uses, he is not obligated...This is the United States (that means freedom...or at least it used to)

- As a person Josh definitely shows his character flaws regularly, often publicly which is unfortunate...He is a confusing contradiction in many respects; Part intellectually sophisticated hipster artist, equal parts childish bro-like jock bully. Throw in a dash of elitist metropolitan posturing with a heaping spoonful of desert bred redneck and you're in the right ballpark. I have seen him in the throws of off the rails tantrums as well as serene, calm and confident. there are many sides to this odd coin. He seems to get consistently mixed reviews as a human being by those who know him.

- I agree with one of his points in the video clip...Part of the fun is trying to figure these things out for ourselves. Tone chasing with limited clues is part of what we discuss here, frequently.

- Finally, I'm not certain (based on the tastes I see here) how many of us would even be interested in "chasing" his tones. Aside from the first QOTSA record (interesting rhythm guitar vibe), I don't hear anything particularly extraordinary about his guitar tones. That said, many seem to disagree.
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Thought I would just chime in here...Probably some minority opinions based on this thread, but:

- I thought the first two QOTSA records were pretty fuckin brilliant...After that, the quality and performances started to head south...Dramatically

- Kyuss put out some solid records...But people tend to overstate their genius as it became a signaling of "cool" to know and like the band that predated Queens

- Josh Homme has every right to conceal what gear he uses, he is not obligated...This is the United States (that means freedom...or at least it used to)

- As a person Josh definitely shows his character flaws regularly, often publicly which is unfortunate...He is a confusing contradiction in many respects; Part intellectually sophisticated hipster artist, equal parts childish bro-like jock bully. Throw in a dash of elitist metropolitan posturing with a heaping spoonful of desert bred redneck and you're in the right ballpark. I have seen him in the throws of off the rails tantrums as well as serene, calm and confident. there are many sides to this odd coin. He seems to get consistently mixed reviews as a human being by those who know him.

- I agree with one of his points in the video clip...Part of the fun is trying to figure these things. Tone chasing with limited clues is part of what we discuss here, frequently.

- Finally, I'm not certain (based on the tastes I see here) how many of us would even be interested in "chasing" his tones. Aside from the first QOTSA record (interesting rhythm guitar vibe), I don't hear anything particularly extraordinary about his guitar tones. That said, many seem to disagree.

This is quite spot on.