Same! Used to hate hate hate playing thru my grandfathers old Dual Showman. Of course, I was doing it all wrong, super low volumes with "metal" dirt boxes.
But now some of my fav tones are my Gibbys thru bf DR or Dual Showman.
Fuzz pedals, quirky as they are, work really well into a cranked bf to go from sparkling clean to chunk chunka and singing leads with just guitar volume. A fuzz followed by a treble booster is a beautiful thing into a bf fender that's pushing the power tubes.
My Explorer into a Klon into a cranked DR is seriously good blues and classic hard rock tone.
My SG into a TS into a cranked Bassman nails early EVH.
An attenuator, like the THD Hot Plate, helps tame the volume and shaves off some of the flubby lows and piercing highs.
The Blue Note is a great pedal, and the Rockett guys are great. Hung with them and Gearmandude after a guitar show long ago. Great time with those guys, and they know tone!

I have an ES-335, and man that airy meaty sound with clarity is so good into whatever I play through. JD Simo kills with his ES into a fuzz into a DR. His tone was so tasty when I saw him open for Blackberry Smoke.
I think a King of Tone would suit you well. But the wait list and used prices are stupid. The Keeley Blue thing up there seems like it would get ya there, and would pair great with a Blue Note to put your dirt over the top.
Shoot, there are so many cheap pedals out there, like Mooer, Joyo, Donner, Amazon, you could spend a couple of bills and find what you dig. Then have
@griff10672 build it up for you.
Of course, that means using a power supply, as most of those dont take batteries.
I understand desiring simplicity, but I don't see why you can't use a good power supply to run some pedals. In the long run, its actually more simple than keeping up with batteries. Set it up, and you're good for the long haul. Investing in a Truetone CS7 made using pedals so much better for me. Wish I had done it sooner. Now I have that and a Strymon Zuma, using on 2 different pedalboards in different locations. They offer me great sounding, clean power, with no complications. One of the best investments if you care about simplicity, tone and consistency in your setup.
But you probably shouldn't listen to me. You'll end up with 8 fuzzes, 6 overdrives, and 4 distortions, and like em all for the different things they do into a cranked Twin. I think that's where my count is now.