Killer VH1 pickup shootout by Ossie Ahsen into a 1971 Marshall Superlead

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the only after market pickups that were around in 1977 when they recorded Van Halen 1 would be Dimarzio and Mighty Mite and Gibson PAF pickups

Seymour Duncan started winding the "JB" in 1974.
Seymour was just starting(1974) he didn’t start selling pickups(his company)unit 1979.Seymour was on Tonetalk and said that in 78 supposedly he did a rewind for Edward, Van Halen 1 was recorded in 1977 and released in 1978, Seymour did a rewind for Edward after Van Halen 1 was recorded.
Pa... uzeo sam dva nova Mighty Mitea za isprobavanje zbog Ossiejeve pucnjave... oba imaju šesterokutne motke kao Dimarzio Super Distortion. 1300-1 koji mjeri 15,56 Kohma i 1400 koji mjeri 9,96 Kohma ugrađen u gitaru. Vozio sam Seymour Duncan Custom iz 1980-ih koji je MJ 14Kohma navio u jednom od svojih 83 Kramer Pacersa.

Zamijenio sam Custom za Mighty Mite 1400 9,96 Kohm jer ovih dana tražim pickupove slabijeg izlaza i nakon današnjeg igranja moram reći da mislim da bi to mogla biti jedna od karika koje nedostaju s VH1 i WACF agresivnim hrskavim tonom, MM 1400 ima distorziju s jednom tonskom dlakom/dlakavicom koju čujem samo na VH1 i WACF-u, hrskavu/dlakavičastu artefakte na isprekidanim korijenskim notama uzlaznih trčanja koje Ed radi, kao i trenutnu čvrstu tutnjavu na E i A žice na swing dijelovima glavnog rifa On Fire. Iako mi se sviđa moj model 78, on nema krckanje/mršavost keramičkog magneta u vašem licu s jednom notom koju ima MM, više je usklađen s VHII PAF glatkijim/toplijim tonom IMHO, što je samo po sebi sjajno. Vjerojatno neću za sada izvući svoj model 78 iz Franka jer radi toliko stvari dobro.

Dakle, za vas EVH ton dečke, ako ste znatiželjni o VH1 i WACF tonu, toplo preporučujem isprobavanje ovih Might Mites, još uvijek su proizvedeni u SAD-u što je lijepo, sigurno zvuče kao Ossiejeva pucnjava. Pretpostavljam da imaju neki ogroman keramički magnet, a tip čiji je vlasnik Mighty Mite počeo je precizno reproducirati 1300 i 1400 Mighty Mite 79 USD. dolar komad. Bilo kako bilo, jako sam impresioniran modelom 1400 i pretpostavljam da 1300 ima iste karakteristike. Ako vam se sviđa ono što čujete u Ossiejevom pucnjavi, mogli bi biti i za vas.

Well... I picked up two new Mighty Mites to try out because of Ossie's shootout... both have the hexhead poles like a Dimarzio Super Distortion. The 1300-1 which measures 15.56Kohms and a 1400 which measures 9.96Kohms installed in the guitar. I was running an 1980's Seymour Duncan Custom wound by MJ 14Kohms in one of my 83 Kramer Pacers.

I swapped out the Custom for the Mighty Mite 1400 9.96Kohm because I'm digging lower output pickups these days and after playing it today I have to say I think it may be one of the missing links to the VH1 and WACF aggressive crunchy tone, the MM 1400 has a single note hair/fuzz type of distortion to it that I only hear on VH1 and WACF the crunchy/fuzz hair artifacts on the fretted root notes of the ascending runs that Ed does as well as the immediate tight thuddiness on the E and A strings on the swing parts of On Fire main riff. While I love my model 78 it doesn't have the in your face single note ceramic magnet crunch/fuzz that the MM has, it is more inline with VHII PAF smoother/warmer tone IMHO which is awesome in it's own right. I probably won't be pulling my model 78 out of Frank for now because it does so many things well.

So for you EVH tone guys if you are curious about VH1 and WACF tone I highly recommend tryingthese Might Mites, they are Made in the USA still which is nice, they sound like Ossie's shootout for sure. I guess they have some oversize monster ceramic magnet and the guy the owns Mighty Mite started accurately reproducing the 1300 and 1400 Mighty Mites $79. buck a piece. Either which way I am very impressed with the 1400 for sure and I would imagine the 1300 has the same characteristics. If you like what you hear in Ossie's shootout they might be for you as well.
How much way is to instal MM 14000.Which the best way.
How much way is to instal MM 14000.Which the best way.
I am assuming you are asking about the wiring of the MM. I just looked at my 1300 that I haven installed and it is the standard four wire like Seymour Duncan pickups.

Red/White soldered together and green/bare wire solder to ground and Black to hot(usually either your Volume or tone pot depending on if you have a tone circuit or just a 500K volume pot.

If you have phase issues then I think you can swap the green and black for the hot wires if I remember correctly. I'll attach a SD single volume pot diagram.

There's a vintage cream 1400 on eBay right now for $165. I posted the link in the crazy deals thread. I'm not involved with the sale of this pickup. If I had the coin I would have snagged it.
I had a opportunity to try a Seymour Duncan 78 yesterday for the first time and I really like it I was surprised.
Lot of good tones there. Interesting to hear VH tones coming out of a 50 watt metal panel.
I like the Mighty Mite 1400 better then the Seymour Duncan 78 it has that THING for sure.