1) If someone tells you not to buy BFD and get EZDrummer do not ask questions.
Gotta have some patience with BFD. There's a ton of flexibility...and the expansion packs are enormous.
2) Unless you are mixing a gazillion tracks you do NOT need full versions of Cubase, Samplitude, Sonar, whatever....way overkill and huge learning curve.
Usually the SE versions will leave out some stuff that you don't need at the moment, but later on you'll be wishing you had it.
3) Monitors...go BIG x2.
Definitely....I just bought a 240 watt 10" sub with a footswitchable bypass. It's rocking my world. My mixes may not improve, but man, it sounds good.
4) Save up a little longer and buy larger audio monitors.
Ha ha.
5) RAM RAM.....oh yeah........MORE RAM
Yep, 2 gig here.
6) Get a comfy chair....your arse is going to need it.
Especially when trying to get BFD to work right.
It took me 2 hours to get the first Cubase4 Studio tutorial working last night
Between latency settings, VST paths, input and output settings and figuring out WTF each button was a 3 Jose Golden adventure alone
Having to run FL and get BFD into that AND get the programming down is like sticking toothpicks under your nails.
If I get this crap sorted out and my machine crashes someone will die................