lets really be honest..

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My first band, at 18 we covered Addicted to Love. 1985. Instant dance floor packer.
I would venture to say there are many dudes more bad ass, both before, and after Robert Palmer.
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I still like the Powerstation record. Robert Palmer did a lot of cool stuff.

Here’s an artist I never hear about around here but he also did some really cool stuff. The intro to Salsbury Hill was our old studio master Steve Hunter. It’s often the first thing I play when I pick up an acoustic.

This one has a nice funk to it.

Always been a metal head, but I remember hearing these songs a milllllion times on the radio/mtv and tuning it out. Upon current review..definitely great voice and cool grooves...Had the right vibe going at that time for sure. I did really like the Power Station stuff though.
Well, he really did die of a heart attack while making love to a woman in France, So, there is that.
The epitome of class and style.

I much preferred his earlier stuff though. Especially his collaborations with Little Feat and those New Orleans cats.
there was no one before or since that was as bad ass as Robert Palmer. this dude has a band of hot bitches playing usa custom shops while he rocks a suit and tie. im pretty sure i got my first boner in 88' to the simply irresistible vid. tastiest drum fills ever

Im pretty sure u dont know where the money went