List Of Amps You've Owned

  • Thread starter Thread starter Braciola
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What other info do you track in that spread sheet that you'd be willing to share? it would be interesting to see which amps you kept the longest
I keep lists and info on lots of gear related stuff lol. The amp I’ve kept longest has been my iic+ hrg. Have also had the ccv a while, but really how long I’ve kept something is not an indicator of it being better. I’ve had plenty of great gear I’ve put up for sale within an hour of owing it, just because I did my systematic comparisons and already had something better. I keep stuff that I feel is unmatched at what it can do well. I don’t go for Swiss army knives or practicality. How long it takes to find something to outdo another piece of gear can vary a lot, but I’m always looking for the next best thing. So far my c+ hrg I’ve owned for almost 8 years now, but that’s just because there’s nothing else really that sounds like it. There are other amps I actually enjoy even more than it, but still more likely I’d sell those just because there’s a lot more stuff out there that would sound like them than any real competitors to the iic+
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I keep lists and info on lots of gear related stuff lol. The amp I’ve kept longest has been my iic+ hrg. Have also had the ccv a while, but really how long I’ve kept something is not an indicator of it being better. I’ve had plenty of great gear I’ve put up for sale within an hour of owing it, just because I did my systematic comparisons and already had something better. I keep stuff that I feel is unmatched at what it can do well. I don’t go for Swiss army knives or practicality. How long it takes to find something to outdo another piece of gear can vary a lot, but I’m always looking for the next best thing. So far my c+ hrg I’ve owned for almost 8 years now, but that’s just because there’s nothing else really that sounds like it. There are other amps I actually enjoy even more than it, but still more likely I’d sell those just because there’s a lot more stuff out there that would sound like them than any real competitors to the iic+
you ever bite the bullet and order a larry?
you ever bite the bullet and order a larry?
Yes, but will still be a long time before I get one. The only great amps I can think of that I’ve not yet tried are Larry, Trainwreck and just a few more models by Schroeder and Alessandeo. Already have 1 model from those latter 2 and they are exceptional amps
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Marshall JCM2000 DSL
Marshall JCM2000 TSL
Suhr Badger 18 and 30
Bogner Egnater
Suhr PT100 and PT15
Soldano SLO
Orange Rockerverb
Fender Blues Jr.
Marshall 2061
Marshall 1987X
Marshall JVM
Marshall 2204
Dr. Z Ghia, Sr. and Jr.

Back in the 80s I had a Randall RG100 head with the carpet on it.

The Suhr PT100 has been the best by far, although I probably didn't give the Soldano a fair trial. Now I just run a Kemper.
I liked it at low to low-mid volume. It had very extended bass and I ran it with the switches in the back (can't remember what they were called) where they ran the preamp tubes in parallel like a matchless. It was very rich. Then I used a dual pedal he'd made for me with a dynamic overdrive and M'OD all in a dual pedal. I rarely used the M'OD and very much favored a distortion box he made for me which was awesome. All dirt from the pedals. It was a cool sound. The amp on it's own turned super mushy if you turned it up too much. Above 11 o'clock on the volume just turned to mush. Much like the EF86 channel on a Matchless (not voiced the same, but mushy the same). It was a cool amp and unique. I found it definitely a pedal amp. A lot of the options I didn't find a use for. It was superbly built and really quiet as far as noise. Not too loud. It was cool for what it did. I haven't pined for it after I sold it FWIW. However, there were tones in it that if that was THE tone you've been looking for it would be irreplaceable. It was definitely a unique amp. If you were interested in it, a try before you buy amp for sure. You may find exactly what you've been looking for or just walk away saying "Meh". I could see either as equally likely.
Pretty pricey stuff. i used to go to Johns house and hang out now and then. He worked on all my marshalls and i never bought anything he made but i played through all of them at his house. He never cared, very cool guy and then boom he died.
Brace yourselves…

Currently have:
1995 Alessandro Redbone Special
2002 Bogner Uberschall Rev 1
2011 Cameron ccv
1997 Diezel VH4 Blueface
Diezel VH4 Purpleface ptp Prototype
1964 Fender Vibroverb
2018 Gjika 10N
1981 Hiwatt DR103
1980 Jim Kelley
1967 Marshall Tremolo 50
1979 Marshall JMP2203
2020 Mesa/Boogie Badlander
Mesa/Boogie Mark iic+ hrg combo
Mesa/Boogie Mark IIC+ Coliseum
Mesa/Boogie Mark iii++ coliseum No Stripe
Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier Rev D
Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifier Rev F/C
2020 MI Audio Megalith Beta
1995 Naylor SuperDrive 60
2017 Naylor SuperDrive 100
Reason SM50
1989 Soldano SLO
2021 Schroeder DeeBee
1963 Vox AC30 Top Boost
Xits Piper 30
2016 Wizard MTL

Used to have:
2001 Soldano SLO
2001 Diezel VH4S
Bogner Helios 100
Bogner XTC 101B
DAR Forza
1986 Randall RG100ES
Randall Thrasher
Mesa/Boogie Mark V
Mark III Green Stripe Combo
Mark IIC+ DR
Mark I HRG
50 caliber +
Express 5:50
Stiletto Trident Stage II
2 Mark III++ Coliseum Blue Stripes
Baron DHG
Langner DCP-1 w/ Hyper mod
Engl Extreme Aggression
Engl Artist Edition
Engl SE EL34
Engl Invader 150
Peters FSM/Halo
Peter Chimera/Vega
Peters Bodyhammer
Henning Cherry Bomb
Krank Revolution +
Krank 1980
Fryette Pittbull UL
Massotti X100B
Verellen Skyhammer
KSR Gemini
Laney TI100
ISP Theta Head
1996 Wizard Modern Classic
Driftwood Purple Nightmare
Friedman Phil X
Friedman Butterslax
Friedman HBE/BE modded 1978 Marshall Superlead
Gower Rockmonster modded Marshall JMP
Gower KK++ modded Marshall
1983 Marshall JCM800 2203
1968 Marshall Major 200
1987 Marshall Silver Jubilee Combo
Mezzabarba Mzero Overdrive
Metropoulous Metroplex
1975 Orange OR120
Bigtone Studioplex
Divided By 13 FTR37
Cameron Aldrich modded 1979 JMP2203
Cameron Jose modded 1993 SLP100
Cameron Atomica modded SLP100
Cameron Jose/Aldrich/Clean modded 1978 SLP100
Kruse V5 modded Marshall JCM800 2203X
Sovtek MIG-100H
Savage Blitz 45
Savage Glas 30
Todd Sharp JOAT 45
Hopkins Pandora modded 1977 Marshall JMP2203
1953 Gibson GA-40
Tex EF86
Lazy J 20
1960 Fender Tweed Deluxe
Bluguitar Amp1
Homestead HS100
Monomyth modded 1982 Marshall JCM800 2204
Westbury 1000M
Ampeg Gemini II
1962 Vox AC30
McIntyre Bluesmaker II
Roland Cube 30X
Vox Valvetronix 30
Peavey Vypyr 15
Orange MicroCrush
Marshall MS-2

Amps I’ve bought and then Returned:
Randall 667
Randall T2
Mess/Boogie 50 caliber EL84’s
Divided By 13 RSA 31
Orange OR100
Top Hat Vanderbilt
Engl Inferno
Brunetti Mercury
Savage Schatten
Vox AC50
Chandler Limited GAV19T
Dover DA20
1969 Evans Hybrid 300
Gretsch (can’t remember model name)

Amps I’ve Borrowed:
1963 Fender Vibroverb
2 Gibson GA-20’s
Very Early Fuchs ODS
Harry Kolbe modded Twin Reverb
Harry Kolbe modded Blackface Bassman
Harry Kolbe modded ‘90’s Marshall Bluesbreaker
2 Fender Tweed Princeton
Fender Tweed Harvard
Gibson GA-77
‘60’s Gretsch 6151

The list of amps that I’ve tried, but not owned would be way longer haha

Impressive list ! How would you rate the Badlander against all the others ? Is it kinda close or comparable stylistically to something else you own or owned ? I'm thinking hard about a rackmount 100W Badlander. Would it be too similar to my rev G. dual Rec ?
Impressive list ! How would you rate the Badlander against all the others ? Is it kinda close or comparable stylistically to something else you own or owned ? I'm thinking hard about a rackmount 100W Badlander. Would it be too similar to my rev G. dual Rec ?
I like the Badlander. Cool amp, but kinda it’s own thing going on imo. It has the aggressive recto growl like the others just raised higher in the mids, but otherwise sounds and feels very different than the other Recto’s. A lot tighter, more modern, less low end, more mids and upper mids. Voiced very well for punk and thrash. The Rev G Will sound way fatter/bigger, darker, warmer and looser. The BL will be a lot tighter, more cutting, edgy, thinner. Hard to say if you’ll like it or not. Not an amp for everyone, but has something unique to offer for me. I’ve kept it and also my Rev D and Triple Rev F/C mod. IMO it’s the most worthwhile amp they’ve came out with in almost 30 years now since the original Rectifiers. I personally could do without anything else they’ve released since then

Not that it matters, but I find it funny that with all the esoteric stuff I’ve owned I’m mostly just getting asked about various Marshall’s and Boogie’s I’ve had
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Pv Bandit
Ampeg head (Can't remember model)
Fender something or other 65w chorus combo
Gibson GA-60RV Super Goldtone
EVH 5153 50w
EVH 5153 100w
Engl Blackmore
Engl FB100
Engl Savage 120
Engl Artist edition 100w
Germino Club 40
Bogner 20th Anny Shiva
' 13 Drop B+ Splawn QR
17' Wizard MCII 100w
Mesa Dual MW
PV Triple XXX
VHT 50CL Pitbull
Bogner Uber Rev Blue
79 Mesa MKIIB loop modded
'16 Wizard MTL 100w
Ampeg VH140C
Mesa MKIII Blue stripe
Marshall 8100 VS
79 Marshall JMP 2204
78 Marshall JMP 2204
Armored amps Sabot (worst amp I ever owned)
Friedman JJ Jr.
Diezel Herbert MKI
Diezel Herbert MKII
Diezel DMoll (2nd worst amp I ever owned)
'19 Splawn QR
Peters BodyHammer
PV 6505
'01 VHT UL
'20 Wizard MCII 100w
'21 Wizard MC25
'21 Wizard Hybrid 100w
PV 6505+
Friedman 100w BE Deluxe
Mesa MKIII Green stripe
Morris Perplexed
'15 Wizard MCII 100w
'11 Fryette Masterbuilt 100/CLX
PV Invective
'07 VHT D60
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Pv Bandit
Fender something 65w chorus combo
Gibson GA-60RV Super Goldtone
EVH 5153 50w
EVH 5153 100w
Engl Blackmore
Engl FB100
Engl Savage 120
Bogner 20th Anny Shiva
' 13 Drop B+ Splawn QR
17' Wizard MCII 100w
Mesa Dual MW
PV Triple XXX
VHT 50CL Pitbull
Bogner Uber Rev Blue
79 Mesa MKIIB loop modded
'16 Wizard MTL 100w
Ampeg VH140C
Mesa MKIII Blue stripe
Marshall 8100 VS
79 Marshall JMP 2204
78 Marshall JMP 2204
Armored amps Sabot (worst amp I ever owned)
Friedman JJ Jr.
Diezel Herbert MKI
Diezel Herbert MKII
Diezel DMoll (2nd worst amp I ever owned)
'19 Splawn QR
Peters BodyHammer
PV 6505
'01 VHT UL
'20 Wizard MCII 100w
'21 Wizard MC25
'21 Wizard Hybrid 100w
PV 6505+
Friedman 100w BE Deluxe
Mesa MKIII Green stripe
Morris Perplexed
'15 Wizard MCII 100w
'11 Fryette Masterbuilt 100/CLX
PV Invective
'07 VHT D60
armored amps made me laugh. Just a question. Do you tune standard, or drop? I trust killertone, and he seemed to love the amp. I think Jer evil liked it too. But i heard from so many that I trust that it sounded horrible. I almost bought one because of the price. Tell me a little more.
I'm sure I'll miss some as well, but here it goes...

Peavey Audition
Fender Ultimate Chorus
Marshall MG30 (or something of the sort)
Peavey 5150 (block letter)
Mesa Dual Rec 3 chan (x2)
Mesa Dual Rec 2 chan (x2)
Mesa Single Rec 50 watt
Mesa F50
Soldano Hot Rod 50+
Crate GT-500 (I think that was the model)
Marshall JCM 800 2204 (x2)
Marshall JCM 800 2203
Marshall JCM 800 1987
Marshall Vintage Modern
Marshall MG30 (or something of the sort)
Fender Champ (1970)
Fender Bassman (1968)
Fender Dual Showman (1965 Blackface)
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
Fender Metalhead
Randall V-MAX
Traynor YBA-1 Bass-master
Line 6 Spider IV 75w
Ampeg SVT-II Pro
Peavey Tour 450
Peavey TNT 115
Peavey Stereo Chorus 212
VHT Pittbull Ultra Lead
Bogner Uberschall Rev Blue
Diezel Herbert

and if we're counting preamps...

Behringer V-Amp
Line 6 Pod Pro
Line 6 Pod Pro XT
Marshall JMP-1
Sansamp PSA-1

I still own a dozen of them, and most of the preamps. The Herbert's my main amp at the moment. That won't change for a while.
the jcm 800 1987, is this the 4 hole version? How did it compare? i bet it was cool to channel jump. How did it compare in gain to a 2204?
armored amps made me laugh. Just a question. Do you tune standard, or drop? I trust killertone, and he seemed to love the amp. I think Jer evil liked it too. But i heard from so many that I trust that it sounded horrible. I almost bought one because of the price. Tell me a little more.

I tune drop D. Everything about it was off for my taste...loop, tone (general voicing), was noisy as hell, no balls/punch what so ever. I couldn't get a good sound out of it.
I like the Badlander. Cool amp, but kinda it’s own thing going on imo. It has the aggressive recto growl like the others just raised higher in the mids, but otherwise sounds and feels very different than the other Recto’s. A lot tighter, more modern, less low end, more mids and upper mids. Voiced very well for punk and thrash. The Rev G Will sound way fatter/bigger, darker, warmer and looser. The BL will be a lot tighter, more cutting, edgy, thinner. Hard to say if you’ll like it or not. Not an amp for everyone, but has something unique to offer for me. I’ve kept it and also my Rev D and Triple Rev F/C mod. IMO it’s the most worthwhile amp they’ve came out with in almost 30 years now since the original Rectifiers. I personally could do without anything else they’ve released since then

Thanks a lot for the great info. Indeed, it's the first Boogie that sparks my interest since I bought my rev G in the 90s.

Not that it matters, but I find it funny that with all the esoteric stuff I’ve owned I’m mostly just getting asked about various Marshall’s and Boogie’s I’ve had

I think most people are more into "classic" than "boutique". It's my case. I own Marshall, Boogie, Fender. The only foray into boutique I ever made is Soldano, hardly boutique nowadays since it kinda became a classic.
Crate 15watt
marshall valvestate 50
I had a boss gt-6 mulit fx with the marshall and the high gain sounds was so bad it put me off playing electric guitar from 1999-2016, just acoustic
Then tried a few plugins and then kemper and now finally happy
Thanks a lot for the great info. Indeed, it's the first Boogie that sparks my interest since I bought my rev G in the 90s.

I think most people are more into "classic" than "boutique". It's my case. I own Marshall, Boogie, Fender. The only foray into boutique I ever made is Soldano, hardly boutique nowadays since it kinda became a classic.
I get it, it’s just that lots of other guys on here that know their boogies, Marshall’s and fenders just as well or better than me, while some of the other amps I’ve had here and there are very rare and unusual (would’ve thought others would wanna know more about those), but I guess I didn’t keep those amps anyway. Most of what I’ve kept are actually known brands. Just a couple less known ones
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Wow. Revisited my reply from 7 years ago. Very interesting what I've gone through in the last 7 years compared to the 18 years prior lol. I got my first Jet City in late 2011, so the last decade has been a lot of the same.

* = Still own

Peavey Blazer 128
Marshall G30RCD
Crate GFX212
Crate GFX1200H
Peavey Rockmaster (The amp, not preamp)
Peavey Triumph 120
Peavey Triple XXX (x2)
Carvin Legacy 1
Line 6 Flextone II head
Marshall JCM 800
Marshall JCM2000 DSL
Bogner Alchemist 212
Bogner Alchemist head (x2)
Peavey XXL
Peavey Transtube 100 EFX (x2)
Peavey Studio Pro
Peavey 5150
Peavey 6505+ (x2)
Marshall VS100
Marshall 3210 MOSFET
Marshall 3310 MOSFET
Peavey Vypyr Tube 60
Peavey Vypyr 30 head
Jet City JCA100H
Jet City Earhart :D*
Jet City JCA50H*
Friedman modded JCA20H*
Jet City 20H*
Jet City JCA100H SLO modded*
Jet City Amelia*
Jet City Amelia Prototype*
Jet City 45 (JTM 45 clone)
Jet City C22 protoype*
Jet City C2.x Friedman BE/HBE style*
Ceriatone 2204*
EVH 5150 III 100 watt
Friedman Runt 50
Mesa Boogie Mk III Black Dot
Splawn Quickrod
Marshall DSL 100H
Friedman BE Mini*
Bogner Ecstasy 3534*
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Let's see....

5 watt Harmony POS plastic combo
Epi 15 watt combo
Crate TD70 combo
Line 6 Spider 1 2x12 combo
Carvin Legacy halfstack
VHT Deliverance 60
VHT Pittbull Classic
Fender Prosonic
Kustom Defender 50 combo
Marshall 8200
Peavey Prowler
Peavey 5150 2x12 combo
Peavey VTM60
Sound City Master Lead 50 halfstack
Fryette Powerstation
Alamo combo (can't remember the model name)
Laney GH50L
Yamaha THR10
Yamaha THR10X
Yamaha THR100HD

If preamps count too:
Boogie Studio
Starfield VPA-1
Gorilla 8 Watt
Fender Princeton 112+
1984 Marshall JCM 800 2203
Peavey XXX
Mesa Single Rectoverb
Mesa Triple Recto
Mesa Triaxis
Mesa 2:90
Mesa Mark IV
Marshall JMP-1 (Main amp for many years with the S500)
Mesa Strategy 500
Orange Micro Dark
2008 Diezel Herbert
1998 Diezel VH4 (Billy Corgan Owned)
Peavey Invective 120
Driftwood Purple Nightmare
Driftwood Darkest Nightmare
ENGL Fireball 100
ENGL Metalmaster 20
Orange Brent Hinds Terror
Orange Rockerverb 50 MK3
KSR Gemini
Revv G20
Revv Generator 120 MK3
Laboga Mr. Hector
Bogner Uberschall Rev Blue
MI Audio Gamma
Diezel D-Moll
EVH 5150iii LBX Stealth
EVH 5150iii 50W stealth
Fortin Sigil
HK Grandmeister 40
Most of the Synergy Products
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First amp in 1980. Guy from music store sold my folks a 112 or 10 Kustom bass amp. I could not figure out why i did not sound like any of my heros UNTIL a buddy said check out this pedal -a DOD pre amp OD. Then bam Ac Dc Scorps ect came alive

First real amp Peavey classic 2x12
Peavey bandit

EVH 100w 6L6
Stealth 100w
Dr Z Remedy
Mesa Boogie: Sillito, Lone star
Carvin V3 and Legacy V1 and II
Suhr: Badger and SL67
Bogner XTC
Marshall Joe Satch version
EVH 50w 6L6 and 15w LBX

Fractall Axe Fx I and II, Ax8 and Fm3 and FM9
Atomic Amplifire and Kemper Toaster and Stage

Bogner Helios 50w

Friedman: JJ 100w, Phil X JJ Jr, BE deluxe 100w (still own)


Mezzabarba: Trinity and Skill

Soldano Slo 100w -Tops em all, with the Friedman BE deluxe 100w coming in 2nd. Of course for some applications the BE wins and for face melting 80's tones the Slo does! :m17:
Pv Bandit
Fender something 65w chorus combo
Gibson GA-60RV Super Goldtone
EVH 5153 50w
EVH 5153 100w
Engl Blackmore
Engl FB100
Engl Savage 120
Engl Artist edition 100w
Bogner 20th Anny Shiva
' 13 Drop B+ Splawn QR
17' Wizard MCII 100w
Mesa Dual MW
PV Triple XXX
VHT 50CL Pitbull
Bogner Uber Rev Blue
79 Mesa MKIIB loop modded
'16 Wizard MTL 100w
Ampeg VH140C
Mesa MKIII Blue stripe
Marshall 8100 VS
79 Marshall JMP 2204
78 Marshall JMP 2204
Armored amps Sabot (worst amp I ever owned)
Friedman JJ Jr.
Diezel Herbert MKI
Diezel Herbert MKII
Diezel DMoll (2nd worst amp I ever owned)
'19 Splawn QR
Peters BodyHammer
PV 6505
'01 VHT UL
'20 Wizard MCII 100w
'21 Wizard MC25
'21 Wizard Hybrid 100w
PV 6505+
Friedman 100w BE Deluxe
Mesa MKIII Green stripe
Morris Perplexed
'15 Wizard MCII 100w
'11 Fryette Masterbuilt 100/CLX
PV Invective
'07 VHT D60

I had no idea you've been through that many amps :cheers: