local band with Amazing tone ..wasnt Diezel ,Boogie

Sheeps like gorillas .gorillas like bannanas, sheeps dont like bananas .ment dont like gorillas that like sheeps ...sheeps are white ..men come to shear sheeps on sunday after church in seattle..

What dont sheeps like ?
i've been thinking about comparing the tonelab and the pod xt. the bass player in one of the bands i'm in wants to be able to cover a wider pallette of tunes running from the 70's to some current stuff. while i love the tones i get from both my dsl and my x 60.. they won't cover the recto type thing.. etc.. very convincingly.. so hence my interest in the tonelab and the xt.
i did a little experiment yesterday in an effort to determine how well a modeler might do the job.
i've got a roland cube 60 that i use in my other band.. so i decided to take the line out and slave it to my old yamaha g100 and use that as a "psuedo wet" setup through the clean channel. it actually sounded pretty good. of course there was the occasional "digital" plink and slight fizziness.. but since most of my playing is in live situations it would be masked anyway. initially i like it and could play with it. how well it'll work in a band situation? i'll have to try it and find out.
the Marshall 20/20 is an awesome sounding power amp. they are VERY unreliable though, they overheat badly. my other guitar player had one a long time ago. I've blown 2 of them up at separate stores just testing them out, this has always been an issue with those amps. someone contacted Marshall about the reliability issues and they basically said its a design flaw and there's nothing we can do about the issues!!!

it's too bad they sound really good.
it sounded very good he was using the Jcm 800 model with a boost and i think a soldano patch for leads .the Wah/volume effects were also very good cant comment on fx cause he doesnt use a lot ..again though he did have it into a tube power amp cranked up ...it didnt fail . ill have to ask about the reliability .

i think a tonelab put into a tube amp is pretty descent and apparently the new LE lets you shut off the amp modelling and cabs and just use effects .
gtr31":32e1a said:
it sounded very good he was using the Jcm 800 model with a boost and i think a soldano patch for leads .the Wah/volume effects were also very good cant comment on fx cause he doesnt use a lot ..again though he did have it into a tube power amp cranked up ...it didnt fail . ill have to ask about the reliability .

i think a tonelab put into a tube amp is pretty descent and apparently the new LE lets you shut off the amp modelling and cabs and just use effects .

more than one of the modelers allows you to do that. my concern is more about ease of editing on the fly because i mostly play live and need to make tweaks without digging through layers to get there. that's what i like about the cube. knobs.. not displays. no digging through layers. twist the knobs to where you need them and you're done.
big . i think tweaking the amp setting are pretty simple. there are knobs for gain bass ,middle .also you can control a ton of parameters with the expression pedal.. but again bending over tweeking is probably super desireable live .

i hAve heard good things about the vox amps VTX as well ill be curious to see what they do next ..as i think they have definetly made some headway in capturing SOME of the tube amp appeal and tone
both the xt and the se are pretty easy to tweak on the fly from what i've read about them. alot of players seem to give the nod to the se because it feels more natural.. is more intuitive to use.. and sounds better. i may have to test drive one of those and see how well it works for me. of course a good tube power amp would also be in the works. :D
I think the SE big blue one is discontinued .good news is apparently the LE is a little warmer has a post EQ on one of the Line out setting .clearer fxand a bit better bottom end for hi gain stuff if ya need it .
you lose the a/b switch (which never allowed 2 models at once like vetta) and one expression pedal...
i'd be more inclined to use a volume pedal than a wah anyway. i've always liked that "old school" trick. :D i was doing some reading on the le just to get an idea of what it will and won't do. it's worth checking into.. but i think i'd like to download the pdf manual and take a peak at it before i'd test drive one. i've got a pair of marshall 1960's.. one a and one b. all i'd need is a power amp.
and yeah.. the bass player wants to do some high gain stuff in addition to medium gain.. but a vh-4 or herbert isn't in my budget.. even though i'd like to go that route instead. :cry:
well, after having read through a few things this weekend i think i've decided to look at other options like changing things around and reconfiguring my pedalboard and signal chain. i went back and revisited my cube 60 "psuedo wet" rig. i can make that work with one of my bands since they aren't "that" fussy. it actually helps give some expansion to the built-in effects.. which is an area where the cube by itself came up short imho. most of the time i'm just using the tweed.. ac 30.. and marshall models with an sd-1 in front as a boost and it does a fair enough job for what i need when i'm playing with those guys. i can make it work.
having said that.. i'm pretty sure i can put together a true wet/dry rig using my dsl and x 60 rigs.
right now i'm leaning toward tim jauernig's diabolical gristle tone manipulator. i've got a luxury drive clean boost that he makes and i've got to say it does things to the front end of my dsl that really kicks it up a notch. no modeler is going to give me that. if the dgtm kicks like i think it will i should be able to get the tones i need. he lives about an hour away from me and mods pedals as well so i think i'm going to go that route instead. i've been tweaking both the dsl and x 60 since i bought them and i really like the results so far in terms of tone and feel. i'm not saying anything bad about the modeling units. they have thier devotees and are capable of some wonderful sounds. hell.. i even own a cube and it does the job just fine for me. it's just that after having spent some time playing through my tube amp rigs this weekend i think i'll keep tweaking them. :)