Looking for an amp similar to the CA Triptik 2

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I had one of these a few years back and stupidly got rid of it. Now, they’re rare as hen’s teeth but the sound haunts me. I talked to @Fusionbear about the build, since he has been inside of one. He let me know that the gain channels are Plexi-based, but with much higher gain. I know that the clean channel is a Fender with a paralleled triode input stage. The amp also had an 2 input gain controls for the gain channels. An incredible design, through and through.

So, if I’m looking for an amp that can pull off those tones or at least get me close. I’m thinking Friedman and Bogner are close, but I’m sure there are more. I’d love to hear some opinions.
CA’s can be a little stiff. You might want to check out some Fryette stuff. Not the same but might be similar.
I had a Triptik 2 and sold it, cracking amp. I currently have a Tucana which is much more mid scooped compared to the Triptik. Im currently trying out a Bogner Goldfinger SL and am really digging it. It’s got that Marshall upper mid thing going on but a bit more refined so a smoother top end and full low mids, reminds me of the Triptik in a lot of ways. It has a lovely clean channel as well and both channels have footswitchable boosts with volume and gain control which brings it close to the Triptik 3 channels.
I had a Triptik 2 and sold it, cracking amp. I currently have a Tucana which is much more mid scooped compared to the Triptik. Im currently trying out a Bogner Goldfinger SL and am really digging it. It’s got that Marshall upper mid thing going on but a bit more refined so a smoother top end and full low mids, reminds me of the Triptik in a lot of ways. It has a lovely clean channel as well and both channels have footswitchable boosts with volume and gain control which brings it close to the Triptik 3 channels.
I’ll give it a look!
Did you try to post a WTB ad on thegearpage? Sometimes seems like a long shot, but sometimes you'll be surprised

I put a WTB ad for a CA Texas 50 and found one in a day. And, apparently there were only 20 made lol
The Triptik 2 has been my only amp for the last 5 years. I used a VHT Ultra Lead for many years before that, and then a Diezel Herbert after that. Took a chance on the original Triptik after getting tired of the Herbert. The Triptik was really impressive and was my main amp for a couple years, until the Triptik 2 came out and I had to have it. My other guitar player was going back and forth between a VHT 50cl and Bogner Shiva. He bought the Triptik from me and has been his main amp since. Not sure what it is about the CA's, but nothing I've tried is very similar. The original Triptik shows up for sale from time to time on reverb. If you have not tried one of those, they're similar. Less options and gain on tap, but still have the core sound.
It's crazy you would almost never see the common production models for sale pre-owned for more than $2k

The amount of amp you get/got for that price was insane. You could easily get an OD2 for ~$1500 - a hand-wired channel switcher designed & built by a proper engineer.
I also had a Triptik 2 a few years back that I sold. To be fair, it had some shortcomings but it was indeed a special amp that I wish I still had. Have you looked into the Dr Z CAZ-45? I haven't read many reviews but did see a couple for sale on TGP last year.
I also had a Triptik 2 a few years back that I sold. To be fair, it had some shortcomings but it was indeed a special amp that I wish I still had. Have you looked into the Dr Z CAZ-45? I haven't read many reviews but did see a couple for sale on TGP last year.
The CAZ-45 may really be the answer. Alan said he can get Trip2 tones on it. I never felt that was right, but recently, I found a clip I did with it. And it definitely sounded softer than I remember. Which the CAZ45 does seem capable of.

I broke the faceplate on the one I owned while trying to hunt down a problem. I’m 100% sure it never has been fixed, as Alan shut down before I got rid of it. I tried to get a replacement from Alan and he was understandably not able to get me one. I am always searching for that amp. Kinda happy it has a unique identifier.
The CAZ-45 may really be the answer. Alan said he can get Trip2 tones on it. I never felt that was right, but recently, I found a clip I did with it. And it definitely sounded softer than I remember. Which the CAZ45 does seem capable of.

I broke the faceplate on the one I owned while trying to hunt down a problem. I’m 100% sure it never has been fixed, as Alan shut down before I got rid of it. I tried to get a replacement from Alan and he was understandably not able to get me one. I am always searching for that amp. Kinda happy it has a unique identifier.

There's a CAZ 45 for sale locally for $1500 which seems pretty cheap...I have no need, but still struggling not to buy it lol.
If it is anything like a CA, it’s worth it for the feel of the amp. I can’t explain it, but it is so dynamic.
Try the Dirty Shirley, it can be tweaked to a similar amp and better. It is my main amp.
I think you like Negative Feedback at 5, and a Low Cut, this is what a Triptik is
Try the Dirty Shirley, it can be tweaked to a similar amp and better. It is my main amp.
I think you like Negative Feedback at 5, and a Low Cut, this is what a Triptik is
Interesting. Always was curious about CA amps. Sad that they are nonexistent now.