Looking for Living Room amp

If I was looking for a versatile, all in one, living room amp (that can do even more), it would be my Diezel VHX. You can run it to guitar cab, FRFR or headphones.
yea man, that is a killer amp.
I’m not sure about any of the amps that would require an app to manipulate but when I think about being lazy on the couch and the amp is across the room, it may not be a bad idea.
I have the original Spark 40 and it's not as bad as some say. I'd probably unload mine for cheap if you have any interest. I'm not really using it.
Anyone have an inexpensive wireless they use that has done well? I know some of these amps come with it but in case I needed to get a separate one. I tried a cheap 2.4Ghz one of Amazon one time and it was terrible.
I have Ammoons (sp?) from Amazon that are meh. Xvive is what I've had the best luck with.
In my mind, my Helix lives in the living room so that I can play with headphones at 2am. In reality, it lives in its bag and I just play acoustically lol.
This one should fill up the living room. Is that what you meant??

My favorite lil amp is my Roland Cube, I bought it like 15 years ago it has a nice reverb, delay, and a good OD and a REALLY good clean . I have kept her clean.