Mask causing eye problems.

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Thats why they call you spaceboy
that’s literally what happened

but if you’re one of those emailz!s!/clintons <3 putin whackadoos or whatever then you’ve likely made up your feeble mind from whatever horseshit you’ve been spoon-fed, and honestly it was a waste of my time to even respond
Countdown to Extinction for your commie gov. Donnie
Yep, won’t be long now. Even the Lib media can’t support this lunatic without constant blabbering lies, it’s just absolutely comical at this point, the BS lies they feed Americans. Pathetic.
Even the Lib media can’t support this lunatic without constant blabbering lies, it’s just absolutely comical at this point, the BS lies they feed Americans. Pathetic.

Let's forget about Biden for a minute.
What was your opinion of #45 and the things he would say?
Was #45 truthful? Did you believe everything he said?

I know your thoughts on Biden. Just need to know this as a point of reference.
Donnie, my brother, why do you always ALWAYS ricochet off of a question to something else as some kind of diversion from the real topic? We are talking about the present president and administration.
Yep, won’t be long now. Even the Lib media can’t support this lunatic without constant blabbering lies, it’s just absolutely comical at this point, the BS lies they feed Americans. Pathetic.
They are corrupt to the core and their followers are sheep and they know that.
You didn't ask me a question. You made a statement. I replied to that.
I made a statement about the present, not about the past or the future… The ‘present’ situation, but you try to turn everyone’s attention to something else, you do this all the time…
When you’ve got nothing to share,
it’s just what you do…
It’s not always about right or left bro, it’s about ‘good’ and ‘evil’, right and wrong.

Hope you’re having a great Friday bro! The weekend’s almost here👍
I made a statement about the present, not about the past or the future… The ‘present’ situation, but you try to turn it into something else, you do this all the time…
When you’ve got nothing to share,
it’s just what you do…
Hope you’re having a great Friday bro! The weekend’s almost here👍

Come on man. You state that the current admin is corrupt beyond reproach.
I'm wondering if this is something unique to do with Biden/Harris or is it your general feeling about most admins?

Good weekend back at you and yours too!