Maxon OD808 vs. OD9 and ISP Decimator vs. Boss NS-2

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I am about to order a new boost pedal and a noise eliminater, but I don't whick to choose.

I going to use with my amp's (bringing the JMP's to some heavy rock alá Mastodon and to boost my mk. IV), and I've heard great things about Maxon, but I'm thorn between these 2. Which would fit me better? And what are the major differences?

And I have also heard great things about the Deciamtor, but is it that much better than the NS-2? It cost twice as much here in Denmark, which do you prefer?

Also it is impossible to try any of above before buying.

:) :D
Not too sure about which od pedal as i have always used an OCD, but as for the noise gates its ISP all the way. Especially if you can invest in the G-string version, but both it and the regular are the best ive ever had.
ACShreds":208irnmp said:
Not too sure about which od pedal as i have always used an OCD, but as for the noise gates its ISP all the way. Especially if you can invest in the G-string version, but both it and the regular are the best ive ever had.

I cant afford the g-string version, are the regular version still better than a MXR or Boss?
I can afford the OCD too or maybe the BB-preamp.

So now it is BB-preamp vs OCD vs OD-9 vs OD-808.

:D :lol: :LOL:
peterc52":2qqd4mjc said:
ACShreds":2qqd4mjc said:
Not too sure about which od pedal as i have always used an OCD, but as for the noise gates its ISP all the way. Especially if you can invest in the G-string version, but both it and the regular are the best ive ever had.

I cant afford the g-string version, are the regular version still better than a MXR or Boss?
yeah i'd still go for the regular decimator over the ns-2.
I have both an OD-808 and OD-9. Right now, I use the OD-808 to boost R2 of my mesa mark IVA. I tried boosting the lead channel, but it didn't really help. It does help alot for R2 on the mark IV. The Timmy works really well for boosting R2 as well.

As far as the OD-808 versus the OD-9, I find the OD-808 to be smoother and boost the mids a bit more. The OD-9 is a little edgier and retains the bottom end better. The OD-9 is true bypass, the OD-808 is not (not sure if it has a buffer or not).

As for the ISP decimator, I had the G-string version and didn't get along with it. It was my first dive into a noise reduction pedal, it was fine for high gain, but on low gain it really killed the sustain too much. When I adjusted it to not kill the sustain, that it started not taking out any noise. I might get one again if I start playing alot of high gain, but for what I wanted (killing noise of Single coils) it didn't work well for me.
I use an ISP decimator in front and a Boss NS-2 in the loop
works like a charm.
As for boost
Maxon od-808 with mesa rectifiers
with any other amps, BB Preamp

I use OCD for natural overdrive on clean channel 18 volts HEADROOM power..
Thanks for all your help.

I have now ordered the Maxon OD-808 and a Ibanez Tubeking (I wanted to try it out).

The decimator must wait until I have saved up enough money for g-string.

:) :D
I have had all 4 of those. And the Tube King TK999. Greatest stand alone distortion pedal ive ever heard.

Ive been through dozens of boutique ODs and Ive now ended my search at the OD808. As said before, the 808 is smoother than the OD9 and has more defined mids that give better chord deffanition. The OD9 has a bit bigger bottom but we're talking about a C-hiar more.

As far as gates go, ive had both and the ISP is the clear winner for me. Ease of operation, less tone suckage and no clicking - get the ISP.
I have a decimator,but I bought a Dual Rectifier from one of the guitarist in Canibal Corpse and he uses the Boss,that was enough for me,so I bought the boss and I like it better. However people here will argue that,they both are good IMHO
I use an OD9 and love it. Use it to boost channel 2 of my 5150III. I liked it better than the 808 with my set-up. To tell you the truth, with the amount of gain I run, it was very difficult to tell the difference. However, to make your decision a bit more tough :D , look into the OD9 pro+, I feel it has better mids than both (hopefully) and overall just sounds more full. I recently purchased this to compare with the OD9 (should be here early next week). Check this video out from Gearmanndude on youtube (he is awesome at comparing gear):

Not to make it more complicated, but how do you guys feel about the Ibanez TS808 compared to the other boosts mentioned?
I dont think there is much of a difference between the Ibanez and maxon. I may be wrong though
peterc52":2dyv8164 said:
I can afford the OCD too or maybe the BB-preamp.

So now it is BB-preamp vs OCD vs OD-9 vs OD-808.

:D :lol: :LOL:

OCD + BB... They're equally awesome, and vastly different. I just added a BB to my repertoire. I like it. And the OCD is a MUST HAVE imho. I'm just kinda done with the 808's and the 9's...things evolve. I've been there, done that, they've had their time, I'm moving forward. Call me a weirdo, but I just like stuff that's fresh AND that sounds killer.

droptrd":2pp9kxsq said:
I dont think there is much of a difference between the Ibanez and maxon. I may be wrong though

It's just down to the componants really, for the most part, these Tubescreamer pedals have very similar or identical circuitry. The Maxon having more expensive parts, everyone I know who has used both agrees that the Maxon 808 is better.

Look at the Boss SD-1, alot of people wouldn't consider it a TS boost, but you can mod it to Ibanez TS808 specs for $3 or so by removing/moving/replacing caps, about four slight differences in circuitry. It's a 2 minute job, one that I plan to do when I can be bothered to get myself down to Maplin.

Tawlks. :)
RJF":2v0aj6bw said:
Not to make it more complicated, but how do you guys feel about the Ibanez TS808 compared to the other boosts mentioned?

Very smooth, less gain on tap compared to the OCD and Boss SD-1.

What it really comes down to I think, in alot of peoples' opinion is the EQ curve differences.
the new rocktron guitar silencer + hush in 1 one pedal sounds interesting
I have the 90's big blue hush pedal, though

I'm liking the MXR CAE Boost/Overdrive better than screamers