Mesa and Celestion Myths, Lies, Deception, Slander, Sabotage

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In all seriousness, these rantings are extremely paranoid and this guy should speak to a professional immediately. It's nothing to be ashamed of. But we shouldn't even be entertaining some of these claims.
I told you people, drugs are not the problem.

I'm a targeted individual, you understand? They're basically doing a smear campaign on me. They hacked all of my online accounts, they break into my place constantly and there's no way to catch them, they're untouchable, so I think it's the government who's in control of all of this because I can remember being a target as far back as grade 5 or 6 in school. Just weird things happening all the time, things that defy odds, things that defy logic.

Yes, my speakers are fucked, yes my amp is fucked, but it wasn't caps... they dropped the amp several times cause when I got home one day and looked at the tubes they had turned white... they basically imploded from the shock. What happened was one of the screed grid resistors went when I turned the amp on. But I sent it to Mesa, and they say the caps leaked all over the place. Bullshit!
Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling.

People with schizophrenia require lifelong treatment. Early treatment may help get symptoms under control before serious complications develop and may help improve the long-term outlook.
Fuck you

I can tell you right now that certain people on this board are keeping an eye on me, and have been for years now. I'd tell you who they are but I'm not about to start something with them.

Let me just say this, you've been punked by Nolly and Glen Fricker, OK. The V30 has always been the same, QC is the issue with some of their speakers.
So my camera is fucked up (coincidence, i don't think so), i can't take pictures of the caps yet, but I will get to it. I don't have a phone either.
I can tell you right now that certain people on this board are keeping an eye on me, and have been for years now. I'd tell you who they are but I'm not about to start something with them.
You say you been gang stalked since you was a kid. Now people are breaking into your house, messing with your lifeblood. Mesa intentionally screwed you on an amp and lied about it. And people here are watching your moves and reporting back to someone else about it but you won't call them out? What?!?! Name some names then. Why would your bring these claims to a place where you know there are people watching you who will report your activities?

Can you see there might be some reasons why people aren't taking you seriously? I mean that with no ill will and am truly sorry if this is actually happening to you but your claims are pretty serious but hard to buy into without at least some evidence being presented to back up what you are saying. Your claims vs actions aren't making a lot of sense to me. You should be laying in wait to ambush these people with war paint, body armor, and an automatic rifle but you're concerned about protecting your online stalkers at rig talk.
I told you people, drugs are not the problem.

I'm a targeted individual, you understand? They're basically doing a smear campaign on me. They hacked all of my online accounts, they break into my place constantly and there's no way to catch them, they're untouchable, so I think it's the government who's in control of all of this because I can remember being a target as far back as grade 5 or 6 in school. Just weird things happening all the time, things that defy odds, things that defy logic.

Yes, my speakers are fucked, yes my amp is fucked, but it wasn't caps... they dropped the amp several times cause when I got home one day and looked at the tubes they had turned white... they basically imploded from the shock. What happened was one of the screed grid resistors went when I turned the amp on. But I sent it to Mesa, and they say the caps leaked all over the place. Bullshit!

Why have they picked you in particular?
If this thread is for fun, you nailed it. If not, I suggest you seek help. Worse case scenario, you get better, bud


I've been treating this thread like it has to be a joke and been having my share of fun with it. If it's not, these are some of the most unbelievable, off the wall, paranoid delusions I've ever heard and you really do need to seek professional help.

You do know the movie in your avatar, "They Live" isn't a documentary, right?

I've been treating this thread like it has to be a joke and been having my share of fun with it. If it's not, these are some of the most unbelievable, off the wall, paranoid delusions I've ever heard and you really do need to seek professional help.

You do know the movie in your avatar, "They Live" isn't a documentary, right?
Believe it. My life is unbelievable, but it's real. The things that go on here in this little town of mine are crazy.

Yes I know "They Live" is just a dumb movie about aliens living amongst us.
It's possibly the same people who are harassing my brother. He claims that on multiple occasions, someone has broken into his place and taken a number of small items of relatively little value. Then a few days or perhaps a couple of weeks later, they broke in and returned the items. They've rearranged furniture, and eaten food out of the fridge. He says they're trying to make him think he's crazy.
This exact thing is happening to me. They steal small items, even socks for christ sakes, then return them a few days later. They take nothing of value. I'm dead serious. I think my neighbors are involved in this, but why? I'm not sure really. I think these are the ones responsible for soaking my speakers... it's all connected to the whole conspiracy about V30's somehow being superior if they were made around 2001 - 2003, and ones made after 2005 are supposedly shit, it's all a bullshit claim. These supposed bad speakers are just speakers that have been exposed to moisture/water.

Anyone have a V30 they can sacrifice?? Go ahead, soak it in water, the cone, let it dry. Then have a listen to the huge spike around 5 - 6k.
Maybe some of the stuff I have said in the past, can't say??
Dude, in all seriousness GET a mini camera system and set it up in your place. Lots of options and they are super hard to find(gotta spend a little more of course), you'll be able to see and ID them. Or at the very least show the PD that it's going on.
Dude, in all seriousness GET a mini camera system and set it up in your place. Lots of options and they are super hard to find(gotta spend a little more of course), you'll be able to see and ID them. Or at the very least show the PD that it's going on.

It's critical that you find a trusted friend, band mate, or family member and let them know what's going on here.

Seriously man, I thought you were joking before. Get help with both of these suggestions above. Camera's don't lie typically.