Mesa and Celestion Myths, Lies, Deception, Slander, Sabotage

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Ok. Sorry. I understand better now. Are these open back cabs, or did you take the backs off?
Closed back. They took the back off one of them and probably used a cloth to get water all over the speakers. The mesa cab i think is fine?? the back is incredibly hard to get off, i've never opened it up myself but who knows? maybe they got that one too, it is sounding a bit odd lately. A bunch of conning assholes are doing this.
Closed back. They took the back off one of them and probably used a cloth to get water all over the speakers. The mesa cab i think is fine?? the back is incredibly hard to get off, i've never opened it up myself but who knows? maybe they got that one too, it is sounding a bit odd lately. A bunch of conning assholes are doing this.
Yeah, my Mesa Trad cab is a bitch to get the back off. Maybe they took one of the handles off. That would be a lot easier. What I do, is turn each of the screws to a certain 'o'clock' position so if the screws have been turned, I can tell. Maybe use the settings of the amp on top of the cab as a guide :dunno:
Yeah, my Mesa Trad cab is a bitch to get the back off. Maybe they took one of the handles off. That would be a lot easier. What I do, is turn each of the screws to a certain 'o'clock' position so if the screws have been turned, I can tell. Maybe use the settings of the amp on top of the cab as a guide :dunno:
delete this post right now, serioously. great fucking idea.
Incase this is a serious post, I'm gonna throw sleepwalking or multiple personality disorder or there.
Schizophrenia is a disorder where, if not treated(usually with Clozapine, or in the past Lithium) delusional thinking/thought patterns manifest very intensely. For them, it's a completely different reality than you or I. They believe their whole world is in a different place....friends aren't friends, they come from a different past and reality is not what it seems.
One instance during clinicals back in school, there was an inpatient who spoke fluent chinese. He wasn't chinese, had never been there and never took a class on the language. Yet, there he was speaking it fluently. One of the Psych docs was Chinese and confirmed it. He had been homeless, off his Clozapine and showed up at his sisters house one day. Once he got back on his medication, reality came back and he couldn't remember where he'd been, nor how he got to where he was.
These disorders can manifest as we age as well, where there were no issues at all...
I'm not saying the OP has this but maybe he should at least talk to a therapist about these things that are happening...
I can't decide if I love this or the Larry thread more. I'm holding out belief that this is all a joke. I think anomaly is playing the long game and waiting for April 1st, so he can then say, "Gotcha!"

Perhaps this is some sort of larping or marketing tactic for an upcoming album release?
Maybe he really did piss off Glenn "The Goblin" Fricker, and it's all true?