MESA/Boogie® Mark IIC+ full demo & overview ft. Doug West & Tommy Waugh

  • Thread starter Thread starter JohnnyGtar
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Great point(s).

I guess the larger question is what were the comments like that were left on places like SW or YT?

I ask because I've only really been monitoring from the backseat here at RT :D

Mostly it was just generally negative stuff with basically nobody excited about the amp at all. A lot of "sounds awful, so much for the reissue" and "geez just let the guys (Fluff, Ben, Kyle) dial the amps in a way that sounds good, why aren't they being allowed to dial the amp?" and stuff like that. People were generally saying the amp sounded like crap and the guys playing it was the single saving grace of the video, etc.
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He plays like a 5 year old.

He truly is a walking meme of the guitar world at this point.

© Randallis Smorissette

"It's not fair!
To Dinesh me
(with) the Mesa's you made when I went away!"

(no AI was used in conceiving this.)

Oh and LMAO at @frontline205 's video. What Dinesh couldn't do in gazillion minutes of video time, Ola managed to do in exactly 27 seconds.