Mesa boogie relocating?

  • Thread starter Thread starter BrentSSL
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Many bands are still using Mesa's in the studio. Whitechapel, Korn, Chevelle, Lamb of God to name a few.
I was more specifically speaking of Rectos. People seem to have moved on to the Badlander(Technically a Recto) or the JP2C, Mark V. Korn i doubt will ever stop using them.
So let's go down the list one by one. Where are the parts manufactured then? The information is public so it shouldn't be too hard for someone making the claim that the parts come from China to back it up. Are we talking about the actual components or the materials to manufacture the components (like plastic, metal wire, ceramic, paper, etc.), or both? Because, for example, the manufacturing facility for Illinois Capacitor / CDE is here in the USA. But maybe they get their raw materials from another country?
yep ... everything comes from somewhere else, just like 245 years of American families.
In the last 2 years ive sold my MK III/MK IV & Dual Rectifier.
Im kinda done with Mesa as the "pre-Gibson" prices with be the next "Gibson crack" prices.
It was a good run for sure tho.
Mark Agnasi is creepy and used to ripping folks off working for Norm thats all im going to say.
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What are your favorite sounding bands?
Oh, man... do I really need to create that list?

The Beatles
Grand Funk Railroad
Black Sabbath
Blue Cheer
Glen Campbell
The Doors
The Rolling Stones
David Bowie
The Who
Jimi Hendrix
Mott The Hoople
Terry Reid
Quicksilver Messenger Service
10 Years After
Led Zeppelin
Deep Purple
Allman Bros.
Little Feat
REO Speedwagon
Pink Floyd
ZZ Top
Rory Gallagher
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Canned Heat
Black Oak Arkansas
Paul Pena
Status Quo
The Faces
Jeff Beck Group
Joe Walsh/James Gang
Aerosmith (1-7)
Cheap Trick
Uriah Heep
Humble Pie
Peter Frampton
Legs Diamond
Mahogany Rust
Head East
The Godz
Tom Petty
Alice Cooper
Fleetwood Mac
Ted Nugent
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Roxy Music
Thin Lizzy
Pat Benatar
Bob Marley
Van Halen
The Cars (1-2)
Gary Moore
The Cult
Tygers Of Pan Tang
Blue Murder
Dio (1-2)
Ozzy Osbourne (1-2)
TT Quick
Black Crowes
10,000 Maniacs
Alice In Chains (1-2)
Saigon Kick
Stone Temple Pilots
Blind Melon

That's about it.
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Things would be a lot easier under a dictatorship, so long as I'm the dictator. :giggle:
Supply chain issues are affecting everybody thanks to Trump's war with jina and his catastrophic incompetence at handling the corona virus which has led to three quarters of a million US citizens dead, many of whom were supply chain workers, and displaced a ton of our workforce, thankyouverymuch. :)

As for what I'm talking about... I'm relaying what Chris at Mesa Boogie told me personally over the phone. He told be they weren't having supply issues. Also, when I spoke to him I made it clear that I'd already bought everything I was going to buy from them so he had no reason to reassure me about their stock or anything like that.
So your telling me that the reason we have a supply chain issue is because many of the workers contacted Covid and died and they were not replaced and this was all Trumps fault.?
Maybe you haven't heard the latest news about the Steele dossier being complete BS.
As though this wasn't obvious from the beginning. Who was the mastermind behind this bit of scripted propaganda, I wonder? :unsure::LOL:
Ya know, this is where a good moderator would step in and knock some heads together

Well you got 3 years, alot can happen in 3 years.
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An investment firm owns Gibson and with it Mesa boogie.

Here’s their portfolio:
Before Gibson filed for bankruptcy they did purchase and run a lot of businesses into the ground. They marketed the name of Gibson and not the guitar quality that built the reputation. These days things are much better post bankruptcy and quality has never been better.

I’m glad Mesa is doing great but Metropoulos is struggling because he doesn’t have the demand Mesa does and caters to a much smaller audience. He’s extremely talented at designing amps but awful at running a business, expansion, and diversification. I wish he could pull out of this but many small businesses that didn’t have enough in savings or a way to diversify couldn’t survive COVID. Now you have a shortage of goods and high demand which drives prices higher, combined with shipping container shortages, making the problem worse. You’re either doing extremely well or you’re barely surviving - there is no in between.
I bet in the next year or so, Marshall, Mesa, Fender start making the amps we've really wanted from them.
A legit Marshall EVH ,Road King with whatever you want etc, and do what most of the "boutique" designers/builders did but take it to the next level and make it accessible to the players with $$$.
I bet Marshall, Mesa, Fender, etc stocked up bigtime on components/supplies and are acting like they're dried up.
BUT!, that's how they'll bleed the small guys out because they're hands are tied.
Wait & Bleed.

Similiar to what Bayer and Walgreens did with
the cannabis fields in California, they own nearly all the large parcels of growing fields.
This move happened right as you started seeing
cbd at smokeshops etc, not stores.
They let us humans do all the testing and murdering each other over the crops (russians).
So by the time you seen it at a health food or grocery store, they owned it all.(CBD)
Seriously about the Russians, they were kidnapping people, burning them alive etc,
and many pot farmers came up missing.
There's TRILLIONS of dollars growing in those parcels.
I doubt there is a single modern electronic "Made in the USA" product that uses entirely USA based components. We're renovating our kitchen and ordered a "Made in the USA" Wolf range back in the Summer that currently is still slated to arrive in February because - you guessed it - there's a shortage of the components from overseas.

Over the years since NAFTA, it simply became economically unviable for American companies to manufacture these kinds of components when competing with labor from a "developing country" with a central government that controls the economy and labor with an iron fist when necessary.

Owners of capital are looking to squeeze every fraction of a cent from anywhere they can because at scale, with just a bit of time, it means millions of dollars. They've been talking for a few years now about outsourcing the processing of chicken to China for Christ's sake. How much could they possibly save on labor against the costs of back and forth transportation and other issues? But if they do it and see more profits, eventually you probably won't be able to find any reasonably priced chicken that came from anywhere else. You know, unless you live in the country and keep your own or know people who do.
There is one I know of. It's a cell phone. The overseas version of it will run you about $800. The all US version is $2K.