If it's a Mark, and it went to Mike Bendinelli (which I believe does most of the older MK's) it's well worth the wait. I didn't bug the shit out of them, I just waited for them to contact me. Peter Wilson at Mesa called one day out of the blue with the cost, and took my credit card number over the phone. Made it from CA to TX UPS ground 4days later.
If it was twice as much ($675 was my invoice), I'd have still paid it. Mike Bendinelli has done so many Marks through the years (I'm thinking probably just about everyday) there really is nobody better to send them to. Mitch Faber was pretty good with them when he was there, but he died some years back. I've always known Mesa to be very fair with the repair billing anytime I've ever sent them anything. If it was any cheaper, I'd be wondering. I'm still marveling how long my old Mesa lasted before it needed anything major. I've played the shit out this thing for 30yrs, and only ever changed power tubes 4 times, and a couple of microphonic preamp tubes. I had the original EV re-coned last year.
There are a couple of blow hard know it alls who claim to be Mesa Repair Gods that check in here occasionally. I wouldn't let them work on my toaster.
Although there is one guy that's pretty good with them (fusionbear). He strikes me as a very good dude.
I don't claim to be the amp repair expert myself, and hate working on something as packed as some of these Mesas. And there is no way in hell I'd want to tackle some of the new ones like this JP2C:
As far as I'm concerned, these guys that truly know what they're doing and are good with these because they do them most everyday, are worth every penny. Anybody bitching about their labor rates or time they (Mesa) take to do them, just needs to fix it themselves or get another amp. Or get one of the know-it-alls to do it.
At 63, I'm pretty sure I'll die before my MKIV-A needs anything else other than tubes. Everything in mine (I'm original owner.....bought from Kim Davis @ Brook Mays Pro Shop, Dallas, TX in 1992) was original. It had all been cooking 30yrs. I did get the EV re-coned last year. It finally and gradually developed a slight buzz/rattle in the last couple of years.
I don't have enough words for Mesa service on these old Marks. But I do wonder who will take Bendinelli's place when he finally retires. Hopefully, he will continue on his own. He will definitely have no shortage of work!