Mesa Mark III

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That is very useful info and advice, much appreciated on both counts! I absolutely would deliberate neurotically over which to mod, so it’s helpful to see this in advance.
I neurotically deliberated over these choices as well! Lol
I’ve not played a red but I do own a blue III++ Coliseum and I’ll say the ++ mod really helps tone down that ice pick high end problem stock ones have on solos. Yes they’re super aggressive but I’ve not personally heard the same problems of blues on red or green revisions stock for stock. I always keep mine in ++ mode but it’s worth noting a blue III++ is the best of everything of the green/blue/red later revisions.
Your Coli is an 800lb gorilla. That fucker could knock down a building.
is there any one universal od/boost/eq pedal that mark III users must have?
I neurotically deliberated over these choices as well! Lol
How did you feel about the + vs ++ mod. I've asked different members their opinion when I bought my red stripe. I currently have an RMA to get it modded to + but still think about that ++ mod. I have a feeling the videos on youtube aren't doing it justice
How did you feel about the + vs ++ mod. I've asked different members their opinion when I bought my red stripe. I currently have an RMA to get it modded to + but still think about that ++ mod. I have a feeling the videos on youtube aren't doing it justice
IMO, with the red stripe I had ++ modded, the ++ took it too far.

OTOH, all three of the other IIIs I've had + modded were PERFECT.

Well the guy I was going to meet up with tomorrow and buy the red stripe from sold it today. I am in no way delusional or entitled enough to think he was somehow obligated to sell it to me, a complete stranger. You take the cash when you can get it.

I am, however, annoyed that he proposed meeting up on Sunday (made it sound like he was occupied today), only to get a text this evening saying he sold it. I would’ve been happy to meet today, even offered to and had cash ready. I would’ve liked to at least have had the opportunity to match the other buyer’s offer, not that he owed me even that much. Just wanted to whine over my missed deal, since there probably won’t be another red stripe anywhere near that cheap. /whinging

Other than that it was a great Saturday! Hope everyone else here had a great Saturday too.
I just fired up my ++ green stripe . Man it’s rages and ravages and pillages and takes the 8 string like you know
I am definitely going to drop my greenie off with Mike for those mods as well, as soon as he’s able to fit the work in. I can’t wait to hear the difference. It’s already so filthy.
I am definitely going to drop my greenie off with Mike for those mods as well, as soon as he’s able to fit the work in. I can’t wait to hear the difference. It’s already so filthy.
It’s so fucking agressive
I was playing my hell razor and my 3 ++ and I think I’ll mix them soon
It’s so fucking agressive
Did you buy the amp already modded, or did you have it modded? If it’s the latter, what was the turnaround time? I know it probably varies with Mike’s workload, but I’m curious.
Did you buy the amp already modded, or did you have it modded? If it’s the latter, what was the turnaround time? I know it probably varies with Mike’s workload, but I’m curious.
Mine was a broken rack mount . I got it fixed with the ++ and a new shell . Totally rebuilt. Super happy with . It took a few months .2 to 3 . I’m trying to down grade and it’s my only Mesa I kept for my 8 string . I do have a Electrodyne for jazz and blues and post rock .here my 8 string with my 8 string doing modern metal . Give me a sub too guys lol fr
Mine was a broken rack mount . I got it fixed with the ++ and a new shell . Totally rebuilt. Super happy with . It took a few months .2 to 3 . I’m trying to down grade and it’s my only Mesa I kept for my 8 string . I do have a Electrodyne for jazz and blues and post rock .here my 8 string with my 8 string doing modern metal . Give me a sub too guys lol fr

Hell yeah man, good shit. I’ll throw you a sub for sure.
You’re into sleep ? Very cool . I’ve recently been into then and electric wizard . I truly like anything with guitars
Fuck yeah, Matt Pike is awesome. Check out his other band, High on Fire if you haven’t already. If you’re getting into stoner/sludge/doom, also check out Eyehategod, Crowbar, Weedeater, Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats. Hell, just follow the rabbit hole from there.
is there any one universal od/boost/eq pedal that mark III users must have?
I never used one with any of the Mark amps. Not on the lead channel anyway.

Didn't a few people get a triode / pentode switch added ?
Fuck yeah, Matt Pike is awesome. Check out his other band, High on Fire if you haven’t already. If you’re getting into stoner/sludge/doom, also check out Eyehategod, Crowbar, Weedeater, Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats. Hell, just follow the rabbit hole from there.
I been listen to all them . I like high on fire best