Well, my deadline of getting her done for my show on Halloween fell right to the last hour (Literally drove from Salt Lake City to the place checking my wiring in my spandex and hair all done up straight down south to my show in Provo, tuning her up and getting the bridge all set during sound check!) but I got it done. Once I got it painted I went to my local guitar shop and had the guys I know there set her up since there's no way in hell factory shipped parts would be set up right and also asked them to check my wiring and make sure it all works properly, being the amatuer with the soldering iron I am, but their electrician guy comes in and out as he pleases so no guarantee that he'll get it done before my show which had me driving it from one guitar shop to another guitar shop to get it done right in the nick of time... But ba da da dum here she is in her (almost) finished beauty.
There was no way I'd get the mirror on with the deadline I was pushing but now I have until January I think to get a mirror cut and screwed on before my next show...
And for those who care still after all this she plays great, the custom strap is a bit high but that's not the guitar's fault and playing on 10's will take a little getting used to, and sounds great... And thank God because all the last minute stress of little minute details I overlooked (Like the kind of shaft the pot had versus the knob I needed? That was a last minute surprise of information I didn't need after having all the parts shipped to me) but it was all worth it getting to use her at as big of a venue and stage we had on Halloween to play some Crue songs with.
(And no that Marshall is not torn and road worn, she's more torn and puppy worn...)