Modal question

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rgorke":2rb0h2iq said:
So, this has been running through my mind a lot lately. I stumbled across this video and it really helped. Especially thinking about how each mode relates to the major scale. This guy shows how to actually implement the modes/ a mode into your actual playing. You don't, necessarily, need to learn each mode in each position. ... 2g&index=9

Yup just learn the respective patterns of each on the whole neck and move em to correspond with your modal goal / chord progression.
bartzzz":2gfwttmb said:
There's a lot of noise around the modes but it really isn't that complex. They should have been called moods because each mode creates a different mood but it's


This is how I deal with modes:

Every mode (with a couple of minor exceptions) is just the major scale with a different tone center created by the bass note.

7 modes right?

Forget about locrian, it sounds awful and no one uses it.

6 left

Ionian and aeolian, forget about them, they're just fancy names for what we all know as major and minor.

4 left, 2 minor, 2 major

dorian sounds minor
phrygian sounds minor

lydian sounds major
mixolydian sounds major

practical uses:

DORIAN - go down a tone and play major
you're playing in an A minor/blues kinda thing, or you're playing Santana, Evil Ways, easy, just muck around in G major- but try end on A

PHRYGIAN - go down 2 tones and play major
You're rocking out in E minor pentatonic and you want to get mysterious, easy just start mucking around in C major - but try to end on E

LYDIAN - go up a 5th and play that major scale
You're jamming out in E major and you want to get a little Satrianiesque, just start mucking around in B major - but try to end on E

MIXOLYDIAN - go up a 4th and play that major scale
You're vamping on a G7 chord like a funky groove. Start mucking around in C major. Instant mixo! - but try to end on G


Shutup & Play - Rock Guitar Tutorials

Locrian is overlooked, but would be where i would insert an ascending diminished run and maybe fuck around with Harmonic minor on the descend and spiced with a super locrian even if i could remember all my scales without cheating IIRC
.... i suck, so there's a lot of inadvertant chromatics for added color and ambience ;)
paullypj":1f0apx4l said:
better yet

Maj = 1357 its resolved colors 2 , 6 , unresolved color 4 ( tension over major ) sharp or flat the colors and that will determine what mode you are in

repeat for minor chords and dominant why all the fuus about the locrian mode a minor 7b5 is also a dom9 btw you can use any of these minor modes including the locrian as altered dominant scales just control the half steps

then use the colors to set up chord and key changes

now im sure you are all saying wtf

Nope, that's a really good explanation! Overlay this explanation on a scale pattern on the neck and see it falls right in line!