Modded JVM410H

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They really are special, because Alvarez ws special. Listening to him, it was like he was the steve fryette of Marshall. He understood how to use the design and alot of people could have benefitted from just listening to the guy talk about the amp he designed.

They also sound incredible with the master cranked on up and channel volume brought in for taste ?

I'll take a JVM410 over a diezel ANYTHING. I felt like it smoked the herbert mkiii in the room also. But.. so did my SLX. The JVM and SLX are my 2 favorite marshalls with the DSL coming right in a close 3rd.

If you can't get a variety of extremely amazing tones from plexi to all out Jose mod and beyond out of a JVM410, we can conclude it's user error at this point. ?
It's settled Science then. All the commonly held complaints about the JVM are user error. Thank you for clearing this up.
A buddy down the hill from me modded his JVM -neg feedback and choke. Heaviest head ever as a result of the choke (I think) but sounded killer, then his 80's JCM 800 with a Mr scary enters and had the same but better tone.

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I would really love to do all the mods in the video to my JVM. You all seem to have knowledge and I am very new to this such as never modded shit ever. What would I need and where could I buy the stuff?

That is one loaded question my friend but welcome to Rig-Talk :cheers:

Have you modded/soldered anything before? Because if not, this is not the amp you want to start with. It is fairly complicated on paper and inside the chassis. Better off shipping it to someone who can do it for you. There are other amps that are much easier to practice on.

I've said many times that if I got a JVM I would get the 210 or 205. I'd be happy with a 205 on OD1 Orange.
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A buddy down the hill from me modded his JVM -neg feedback and choke. Heaviest head ever no but sounded killer, then his 80's JCM 800 with a Mr scary enters and had the same but better tone.

Yeah. Great chops and great tone :yes:

He mentions dropping the treble and cranking the volume - something I never did.
This buddy in the video is ridiculously talented. He plays great guitar left handed and strung upside down -odd to watch.
He is a KILLER singer as well, listen to vid below -he fronts a Rush tribute band and sing Geddy better than Ged!
Works on guitars with burgeoning luthier skills! And is a super chill dude who loves the best era of metal -80's!!

Here he is singing
