Mojo/Prayer request and a Public Service Announcement

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sorry to hear bro

my grandmother is going thru some BAD times with a brain tumor right's tough
Best wishes for your uncle, Kage.

My drummer smokes, and his grandmother was recently diagnosed with lung cancer, he just told me last weekend.
Mojo sent.

I've seen 3 relatives die horrible deaths from smoking. I've got another primed for it in a few years. My neighbor down the street had half his jaw removed from chewing tobacco.

Nasty, nasty, NASTY shit.

I smoked from 17 yrs old to 24, then again from 29 to 34. That may have been enough to do me when I get older. Fucking stupid.
Sorry to hear this Kage...I hope he get's well...a friend of mine had cancer in his lymph nodes (which is a very bad sign) and he is recovering well.
...and your public service announcement will be taken to heart...I quit smoking years ago, but have been smoking a bit lately...gotta quit doing that before I get hooked again.
Cripes what a bummer. Sorry to hear Kage. Hope he makes it and likes the hairless look ( for a while at least ).

Smoking.......hell I've quit everything else except that......damn hard to quit.........must resist...........

Mojo sent...
Prayers for your uncle to pull through this Kage and for you to stay away from smoking for good. We don't need Xander posting on rig-talk in 2025 about needing prayers and mojo for his dad.
Mojo sent!

i quit smoking 4 months ago - patches DO help. one of the best things i've done in my life so far.
I know you and I have disagreed many time, but I'll go with you on smoking. I quit three years ago and while I still occasionally have the urge, I know I'm much better off without them. Here in Ohio we have a line we can call that has stop smoking tips, but I gotta say the best way (for me) was to just go cold turkey.