Monsters of High Gain Amp Shootout

bulb":2qbebl6a said:
I did this amp shootout with Ty Dietzler for Premier Guitar magazine, was a ton of fun, and we leave the reviewing up to you guys! Check it!
Ty's a great guy...ask him who's hard rock tone he raves about it Nashville... ;) lol.
hot dayum :rock: :rock:

Love your Ch.2 VH4 tone!

And the Soldano Avenger and Fryette were probably my favorite amps out of them... sounded awesome, a lot better than when I remember them in person :LOL: :LOL:
bulb":24fe341x said:
I did this amp shootout with Ty Dietzler for Premier Guitar magazine, was a ton of fun, and we leave the reviewing up to you guys! Check it!

So what was your fav?
Great stuff. But you had the CLX dialed in wrong. You guys should have had the master about 2 O clock and used the channel volume to adjust volume.
Same goes with the UL
I am completely bewildered but I found I liked the Orange and Peavey the best. Both Companies I had written off long ago.
Ancient Alien":3mm0t83y said:
Great stuff. But you had the CLX dialed in wrong. You guys should have had the master about 2 O clock and used the channel volume to adjust volume.
Same goes with the UL

That was definitely true with my CL.
They all sounded less than impressive due to the recording I guess. The Orange sounded big. The Avenger aggressive and big. The peavey solid and Bulb looked happy when he was playing it! VH4 stood out for me on 2 and 3. The least liked Randall.
I would have liked to hear the Avenger up a little louder. General rule of thumb is if it's close mic'd and I can hear pick hitting strings it isn't loud enough :LOL: :LOL:

BULB :thumbsup:

3.DIEZEL VH4 ( I kinda disappointed, "TOOL" riff sound killer. I guess thats why I have the Herbert now :yes: )
4.BlackStar ( I need to play one of these :thumbsup:)
sinfish":1ms4y7aq said:
bulb":1ms4y7aq said:
I did this amp shootout with Ty Dietzler for Premier Guitar magazine, was a ton of fun, and we leave the reviewing up to you guys! Check it!

So what was your fav?

+1 this