Monsters of High Gain Amp Shootout

I watched each video in full. Now, I know my opinions don't hold much water around here according to some "rock stars" ( ;) ) but my favs were:

VH4-every channel sounded stellar. Just like I remember it in person. A totally unique high-gain sound that I love! Extremely clear and detailed, and reveals a lot about the player.

VHT-a very meaty, solid and girthy tone. One of the "cleaner" sounding dirty tones if that makes sense. I loved it!

Framus Cobra/Rectifier- tied in my opinion. After all these years, the recto is still a valid and useable tone for high gain rock/metal, and has a lot of character and depth. The Framus sounded similar, but more pissed off! Awesome.

I liked a few others like the Orange and Peavey, but not quite as much as the ones above. Good job!
Jeff Hilligan":2wklop25 said:
They all sounded less than impressive due to the recording I guess. The Orange sounded big. The Avenger aggressive and big. The peavey solid and Bulb looked happy when he was playing it! VH4 stood out for me on 2 and 3. The least liked Randall.

Dunno who's idea it was to mic the dust cap.... :confused:
My (worthless) thoughts:

They should have had a baseline for what riffs were played. I think some of the amps suffered simply because the players were screwing around with single-note crap instead of really trying to showcasing the amp overall.

Blackstar: Not bad overall, but I wouldn't buy it.
Diamond Nitrox: Was more impressed with the clean channel, which doesn't mean much in a high-gain shootout.
Diezel VH4: Contender for best of the lot. Don't know why they added the TS--didn't need it.
ENGL Powerball II: Wasn't impressed, actually disappointed.
Framus Cobra: Good tones, on the fence about this one.
Fryette: Impressive, a little dark for my tastes.
H & K Coreblade: I don't think the demo did it justice. Sounded like they had it turned down & I think they should have left the effects off. Great-sounding amp, although a bit overpriced IMHO.
Krank: Krap
Mesa: See "Krank"
Orange: Too much fuzz in the distortion. If they cleaned that up, this could be a contender. Great clean channel.
Peavey: Good all-around amp. Definitely in the top of the class.
Randall: See "Krank"
Soldano: Don't know why they didn't showcase the SLO100, but great tones, definitely in the top of the class.

Overall, the Dimarzio pickups sounded better across the board than the SD pickups.

Top 5: Diezel, H & K, Framus, Soldano, Peavey


racerevlon":srciqcke said:
They should have had a baseline for what riffs were played. I think some of the amps suffered simply because the players were screwing around with single-note crap instead of really trying to showcasing the amp overall.

That and use either the same cab for every amp or match every amp with its voiced cab. Not to mention putting the mic in the same position for each amp.

It's helpful to see these videos, but a shootout it is not.
love the sound and low mid growl of that pitbull.
after that, i like the randal for some reason. weird.
I thought several of these amps weren't dialed in to there best potential...the Cobra didn't sound nearly as good as the one I owned...maybe it is because they are different versions? Don't know.

However...the Krank sounded surprisingly good to me as well.
Great playing Bulb! Thought the VHT, VH4, and Soldano stood out above the rest. Couldn't get into the Randall, H&K, Diamond, or Peavy at all.
you know what i found really cool was.

each guitar player dialed each amp in to reflect thier "tonal self". each guy had his own sound consistently from amp to amp.

just goes to show you.

id love to play a few of those in person for sure. thanks for posting that guys!