More hype than heavy hitter

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The only amp I played that wasn't a single channel that I would have is the VH-2. It was a solid sounding amp, and I would like to revisit it and try the Bigmax.
Diezels are kind of ugly with all the d's cut out of the faceplate. But they sound good.
I agree Diezel's do visually have many of the features I find ugly, but for whatever reason the VH4 always looked cool to me. All my non-high gain keepers are single channel, but my favorite high gain amps have more. I wish it was just 1 channel, but what you can you do, they sound better than all the other's I've tried: Rev C, IIC+, Wizard Hell Razor KT150, OG Uber, Megalith Beta, '89 SLO, Blueface VH4, Hermansson Recto's
I’m not sure if my dream amp exists but i’m looking for a healthy balance of Marshall Keraang and extended Dual rec lows with a little bit of modern multi gain stage compression type grease but not too much. Would the Mlc Silenoz do that? What would you recommend?
It sounds like you need a solid state Randall covered in zebra from 1986
I agree Diezel's do visually have many of the features I find ugly, but for whatever reason the VH4 always looked cool to me. All my non-high gain keepers are single channel, but my favorite high gain amps have more. I wish it was just 1 channel, but what you can you do, they sound better than all the other's I've tried: Rev C, IIC+, Wizard Hell Razor KT150, OG Uber, Megalith Beta, '89 SLO, Blueface VH4, Hermansson Recto's
I often wonder what makes some of the older amps sound more organic, more raw.
The circuit has a lot to do with it, but how much do the nos parts that go into building it, the quality of the steel in the transformer, the now illegal substances that were formed into the components, etc.
I often wonder what makes some of the older amps sound more organic, more raw.
The circuit has a lot to do with it, but how much do the nos parts that go into building it, the quality of the steel in the transformer, the now illegal substances that were formed into the components, etc.
Yeah I don't know what it is. Most of my vintage amps have currently newer tubes and many also have newer caps, so not that at least. Some of them I heard do have key differences in the circuit, but I wouldn't know

I actually much preferred all 3 recent Wizard's I've tried (2016 MTL I had, 2024 Hell Razor KT150 I have and 2023 Hell Razor KT150 I tried) to the 1996 MC I had, like the 2017 Naylor SD100 I had equally to the 1995 SD60 I had and also like my recent Alessandro's equally well to my '90's ones, so at least some can be as good, but I guess '90's isn't really that old
One of my current hobbies is to hunt down and buy "yesterday's news" boutique amps for bargain prices. There are tons of amazing amps made 10-15 years ago that are basically forgotten about these days in regular discussion. They might be hard to find, but they sound just as awesome now as they did back then... one thing about amps, a great tone in 2005 is still a great tone in 2024. It's not like the newest amps are *that* much better than old designs, maybe a slightly different voicing or lower noise floor, or some new cabclone/xlr/digital-something features I don't care about anyway.

I'll name a few that I have gotten for basically 1/3 or 1/4 of their original selling price:

Stephenson Lead 30R - He is still making custom order amps, this model is long gone though. Very unique design, switchable power tubes, power scaling and other unique features like the transformers and ultra-linear power mode. Mine has 4 power tubes (2x EL84 and 2x octal sockets), 6SN7 phase inverter, and a 6SN7 tube driven spring reverb. It's certainly one of the strangest amp designs I've seen. It sounds like a plexi but warmer, gainier, and between the 3-way switchable bright and power tube stuff it can do a lot of interesting sounds. That said it isn't for everyone,

Steavens Poundcake 25th Anniversary- these are apparently getting noticed again so prices are way up, but when I bought it I could barely find a mention of it via google at all, besides the original press material pictures. This one has 4 channels and midi switching, and a bunch of different modes that can be part of the switching (ex. "heat" channel can have a mid shift, bright switch, green/yellow/red mode). The biggest drawback to this amp though is that all 3 gain channels share the same EQ. You can get them to sound pretty different with the mid/bright/modes but it's just a shame they don't have separate EQ's.

3rd Power HLH100 - I know they are still around, but this is the original one with the triangular cabs that was like $6000 or something at release. It's an awesome sounding amp for sure, PTP wired and all that fancy stuff, but it came out during that time when there weren't so many options for handwired amps and people were willing to pay an absurd premium for what is basically a slightly modified 2203.

Hook Captain 34 - I don't think I've ever seen these talked about at all basically, but they were $4000+ back in 2007. I have one, cool amp, great tones. Mine is PCB but apparently the very early ones were PTP as well.

Kasha Rockmod 50 - I occasionally see threads about the preamps, but never the actual head. These were also $3500 when new. Interestingly the PCB inside is even labeled "Rockmod Preamp Copyright 2006" and then it has a power amp added on via a separate board. The really cool thing about this particular amp, and a feature I've never seen on any other amp, is that you can switch the power amp from "A" to "B" sets of tubes. So you can put a set of 2x EL34's in "A" and a set of 2x 6L6's in "B" and switch between them in real time. It's the ultimate amp for actually figuring out what different power tubes do through the same preamp... I think a lot of people describe 6L6 and EL34 sounds but using different preamps and it's not really a good comparison. You can really hear the difference between a certain set or type of tube with this thing. Right now I have 2x EL34 and 2x 6550's in it, amazing how the 6550's just come out and punch you in the chest in comparison.

PWE Event Horizon - I mentioned this in that other thread, but I have an original EH and an EH3. The original EH is fantastic sounding, it gets nice and gainy, but keeps it together really well. Can easily do hair metal and the like unboosted, but it really excels as the smooth, slinky feeling mid-gain stuff. It's really a wonderful amp to play because it just feels really great. The EH3 keeps the same feeling but has a lot less gain, and the low end is so mushy that if you have the gain up over about 3/4, you may as well not bother hitting a palm mute because it flubs out so hard that it actually blocks some of the treble from coming through for a moment. Maybe there is something wrong with mine, I did get it used after all, but it's the weirdest behavior. That said, if you can be disciplined with the gain, it's wonderful in that darker mid-gain territory. It just doesn't do the high gain that the original EH does so well, and it also has two less preamp tubes so I'm not sure exactly how it is designed but I suspect that it is intentionally a lower-gain design than the original EH.

I've been looking for a Henning Cherry Bomb forever, can't seem to find one though. There was a Bottle Rocket at guitar center for a while but I just couldn't justify the price.
Kasha Rockmod is a great amp.
One of my current hobbies is to hunt down and buy "yesterday's news" boutique amps for bargain prices. There are tons of amazing amps made 10-15 years ago that are basically forgotten about these days in regular discussion. They might be hard to find, but they sound just as awesome now as they did back then... one thing about amps, a great tone in 2005 is still a great tone in 2024. It's not like the newest amps are *that* much better than old designs, maybe a slightly different voicing or lower noise floor, or some new cabclone/xlr/digital-something features I don't care about anyway.

I'll name a few that I have gotten for basically 1/3 or 1/4 of their original selling price:

Stephenson Lead 30R - He is still making custom order amps, this model is long gone though. Very unique design, switchable power tubes, power scaling and other unique features like the transformers and ultra-linear power mode. Mine has 4 power tubes (2x EL84 and 2x octal sockets), 6SN7 phase inverter, and a 6SN7 tube driven spring reverb. It's certainly one of the strangest amp designs I've seen. It sounds like a plexi but warmer, gainier, and between the 3-way switchable bright and power tube stuff it can do a lot of interesting sounds. That said it isn't for everyone,

Steavens Poundcake 25th Anniversary- these are apparently getting noticed again so prices are way up, but when I bought it I could barely find a mention of it via google at all, besides the original press material pictures. This one has 4 channels and midi switching, and a bunch of different modes that can be part of the switching (ex. "heat" channel can have a mid shift, bright switch, green/yellow/red mode). The biggest drawback to this amp though is that all 3 gain channels share the same EQ. You can get them to sound pretty different with the mid/bright/modes but it's just a shame they don't have separate EQ's.

3rd Power HLH100 - I know they are still around, but this is the original one with the triangular cabs that was like $6000 or something at release. It's an awesome sounding amp for sure, PTP wired and all that fancy stuff, but it came out during that time when there weren't so many options for handwired amps and people were willing to pay an absurd premium for what is basically a slightly modified 2203.

Hook Captain 34 - I don't think I've ever seen these talked about at all basically, but they were $4000+ back in 2007. I have one, cool amp, great tones. Mine is PCB but apparently the very early ones were PTP as well.

Kasha Rockmod 50 - I occasionally see threads about the preamps, but never the actual head. These were also $3500 when new. Interestingly the PCB inside is even labeled "Rockmod Preamp Copyright 2006" and then it has a power amp added on via a separate board. The really cool thing about this particular amp, and a feature I've never seen on any other amp, is that you can switch the power amp from "A" to "B" sets of tubes. So you can put a set of 2x EL34's in "A" and a set of 2x 6L6's in "B" and switch between them in real time. It's the ultimate amp for actually figuring out what different power tubes do through the same preamp... I think a lot of people describe 6L6 and EL34 sounds but using different preamps and it's not really a good comparison. You can really hear the difference between a certain set or type of tube with this thing. Right now I have 2x EL34 and 2x 6550's in it, amazing how the 6550's just come out and punch you in the chest in comparison.

PWE Event Horizon - I mentioned this in that other thread, but I have an original EH and an EH3. The original EH is fantastic sounding, it gets nice and gainy, but keeps it together really well. Can easily do hair metal and the like unboosted, but it really excels as the smooth, slinky feeling mid-gain stuff. It's really a wonderful amp to play because it just feels really great. The EH3 keeps the same feeling but has a lot less gain, and the low end is so mushy that if you have the gain up over about 3/4, you may as well not bother hitting a palm mute because it flubs out so hard that it actually blocks some of the treble from coming through for a moment. Maybe there is something wrong with mine, I did get it used after all, but it's the weirdest behavior. That said, if you can be disciplined with the gain, it's wonderful in that darker mid-gain territory. It just doesn't do the high gain that the original EH does so well, and it also has two less preamp tubes so I'm not sure exactly how it is designed but I suspect that it is intentionally a lower-gain design than the original EH.

I've been looking for a Henning Cherry Bomb forever, can't seem to find one though. There was a Bottle Rocket at guitar center for a while but I just couldn't justify the price.
If you ever did want to sell or trade the 25th anniversary, it’s the one amp on my wishlist that isn’t gonna cost me like 10k, so I’d be down to overpay for it or give you crazy trade value
If you ever did want to sell or trade the 25th anniversary, it’s the one amp on my wishlist that isn’t gonna cost me like 10k, so I’d be down to overpay for it or give you crazy trade value
I will definitely remember that. It's actually the amp I get the most emails about too, seems like there is always someone on the other side of the planet who just has to have it. I don't necessarily think those are scams, because I don't get those kind of offers on other amps. Just very strange. Anyway I'm hanging onto it for the time being but I will absolutely let you know if I change my mind.

I am a single channel amp kinda guy, so it was hard for me to find the right amp. Most builders want to build a single channel, but everyone wants a clean for some fucking reason. That is what the volume knob is for, but whatever. I have played some good ones. And a few good channel switchers, though i just found the channel that amp was built for and stayed on it like most people do.
The single channel amp thing -> All of these boutique amps are really specialized... for example, a stock JCM800 2203 is mostly appealing to a wide range of players. Start modifying it to specific tastes and you eliminate some of the audience for it. A handful of players will absolutely love the modded 2203 while the majority of players liked the stock one or would prefer it modded some other way.
Now apply that to a two-channel amp design and there's just twice the likelihood that you won't like one of the channels.

What I mean is, yes there are definitely some amps where the clean is tacked on like an afterthought (my early Splawns come to mind tbh). But there are also a lot of amps that have the same meticulous effort put into each channel, you just might love Builder X's taste for gain tones and dislike their taste of crunch or clean tones. Bogner Ecstasy comes to mind as the most obvious example, as to my ear, blue, red, and either of those in plexi mode are mind blowingly good.

It also depends on the kind of music you play, or what you're willing to sacrifice tone-wise. Like idk, there are a few Bullet for my Valentine songs I like, that start with a crystal clear clean intro and then go into super saturated drive tones. Can't exactly pull that off with just my guitar volume. In my opinion of course.
Mist of the stuff I try is ok. But I don't buy any of it because I like what I have better.

Only amp I am interested in trying is the Uber Ultra KT88.
Mist of the stuff I try is ok. But I don't buy any of it because I like what I have better.

Only amp I am interested in trying is the Uber Ultra KT88.

I had the KT88 and el34 Ubers at the same time. They sounded virtually identical. I was gonna send the KT88 back but I traded the KT88 to a buddy. Would have been happy with either…kept the 34 because I have more spare tubes in the drawer. lol
Is that the Vogg one?
I think that guy has awesome tone. I would try anything he plays with.
My buddy just toured with them. Bogg’s sig MLC shit the bed near the end of the tour. He had to finish the tour on his backup rig (5153) that my buddy was using. Not sure what happened to the MLC. He’s using a Quad Cortex on the US tour but that’s likely a financial decision not to fly a giant rig in.
The BadCat Lynx actually sounds like what you’re looking for. I had mine for sale ( foolishly) but decided to keep it.