I think that guy is as impressive as people say, but there are also a lot of incredible players on YouTube. Most people can't even come close to that level of mastery, and all respect is due to the people who have attained it. However, it really boils down to whether you can listen to their music and enjoy it when you're driving, at home, or wherever. Sometimes players are too perfect so they don't really have that raw, honest guitar sound that's so enjoyable. When players rip endless measures of immaculate runs, it can get boring because it's so perfectly done. Their fluency is incredible, but they don't really have the meandering or exploratory build-up that makes listening to guitar so interesting.
I'm not saying this Mancuso guy is like that or lacks any musicality, just that the only way I can judge is by listening to his tracks and seeing if they're something I want to add to my listening library. I don't know if players that good can ever become less cultivated and present music that is totally natural. It seems like when you're so flawless and well-versed then there's nothing left to explore or develop at the time you're doing it. Many of my all-time favorite players like Vinnie Moore, Eric Johnson, Joe Satriani, Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai, etc. had reached some point where they became very refined, top-echelon kind of icons that 'evolved' into some kind of blues style. I used to love all of their old albums, and still listen to them, but their newer stuff just isn't as appealing as it once was.
Whatever the case, I think Mancuso is extraordinary and I'm looking forward to hearing more of his compositions. It's probably not good to have an aspiration of playing as good as him because it would be totally discouraging to most people. There are other extraordinary players like a kid named Max Ostro who have incredible technical ability but also a lot of musicality. Mancuso also seems to have a very musical quality so he deserves all the accolades.