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STEEL KAGE":9ff8a said:
Hey Bob, I bought the Samsung HL-S 5088W 50: DLP and the picture is INSANE!!!! I was watching some Concert DVD's over the weekend and was floored, the pic is so friggin sharp and the colors are wonderful!!! Sean Salmon getting KTFO was pretty damn beautiful as well!!!

regarding the extra warranty coverage, I usually agree with Steve but in this case, I got 5 years above and beyond the year that already comes with it for 250 and it was money well spent IMO. Peace of mind for 6 years at a tad more than 40 dollars a years is fine with me...

All that said, I had a Toshiba for a lot of years and it was a great TV...

that's why I bought mine Kage, best picture I've seen. I guess I picked out a Lemon. Of course it's an RCA-what was I thinking? It is their top shelf model though.
STEEL KAGE":8ad95 said:
:|::QBB: 2010!!! Hioly Crap Steve!!! thats friggin insane!!! I never heard of a warranty that went for that long...


I bought the TV from a furniture store and they give me a killer warranty for free! I bet they regret that! They have honored it without question though.
Crud... well, I'm having second thoughts about the whole TV thing. I'm getting along without HD right now, but if I get one of these I'm going to "need" HD... and a Blueray, and...

Now, if I don't get this, I might be able to take care of some other items around the house AND possibly get one of these:

And I really want one because these HR824's aren't strong enough for me to really mix the bottom end properly, or at least fine tune it.

Oh, one other thing. I saw a few posts on the avsforum about how the picture is actually worse on standard definition service. If I bought the 40" or 46" Samsung, would plugging it in to my current setup look worse than the tube TV I'm using?
Bob Savage":fe2d3 said:
Oh, one other thing. I saw a few posts on the avsforum about how the picture is actually worse on standard definition service. If I bought the 40" or 46" Samsung, would plugging it in to my current setup look worse than the tube TV I'm using?

In my experience this is bullshit.

IME cable and/or satellite TV can look worse on a big screened HDTV...My opinion is that it's a question of scale. You're taking a signal that is about half the lines of what the HDTV is capable of reproducing and enlarging that to fit a huge ass screen...To me, it's somewhat akin to trying to take a 72 dpi image and enlarge it to 300dpi quality...It ain't gonna be pretty!

I did probably 6 months of research for a new TV a little over a year ago...I ended up with a 36" Tube HDTV. For regular broadcast TV and our satellite, the larger TV's just didn't look great...DVD's were pretty spectacular, and HDTV was unreal, but at that time, the cost to benefit ratio wasn't high enough for me to jump to the LCD/plasma/DLP Proj./LCD proj. end of things. Tube TV's still seem the best value to picture quality and longevity, but they sure don't look as cool as a slim panel...And, my TV weighs about 250lbs, which sucks.

I don't like DLP TV's. I don't know how much the tech has changed in a year, but LCD projection blows it away, IMO.

And, when people in this thread reference LCD, are they talking LCD panels or LCD projection? They are 2 different beast entirely.

As LCD become more affordable and larger screen sizes can be had, that's where I'm looking...Contrast ratios and response time keep getting better. And, while Plasma's look good, there are too many negatives to steer me that way.

I'm excited to see what SED TV's will look like at what the price point will be...
I am/was looking only at LCD panels. I'm still up in the air as to whether I'm going to buy or not. I really want that Mackie sub. :D
The only thing keeping me from going HD are the DVDs. I don't want to pay $700 for a low-end player.
MitchSchaft":b71ce said:
The only thing keeping me from going HD are the DVDs. I don't want to pay $700 for a low-end player.

Do you have HD cable/satellite service? See, part of the thing stopping me from jumping in now is that if I get a kickin' 46" 1080p LCD, then I "need" all new satellite equipment... a new DVD player... more money each month for HD service... a game console, because they look neato in HD... and... and... and...

I have a working TV so this is a luxury that's going to end up costing me more money than I think I'm willing to throw. Plus, I still want that freaking Mackie sub.
I've been looking as well. I took a long time at Fry's yesterday staring at all the different boxes and none of them really blew me away. I spent some time on the avsforum and saw lots of good reviews on a certain panasonic, but when I saw it yesterday it wasn't very inspiring. I'm betting that they're not driving them with decent signals, though, so it's hard to know what the experience will be at home.

Figuring out which one to get is turning out to be more of a pain in the ass and I'm getting to the point of giving up on it.
Xabiche":eac50 said:
I've been looking as well. I took a long time at Fry's yesterday staring at all the different boxes and none of them really blew me away. I spent some time on the avsforum and saw lots of good reviews on a certain panasonic, but when I saw it yesterday it wasn't very inspiring. I'm betting that they're not driving them with decent signals, though, so it's hard to know what the experience will be at home.

Figuring out which one to get is turning out to be more of a pain in the ass and I'm getting to the point of giving up on it.

I spent quite a bit of time at Fry's too, who actually have lower listed prices than any of the big name places. You're probably right about the signal. The Fry's I went to had a good signal and I identified the Samsung's as being quite a bit better looking than everything except the Sony's. When I went to Circuit City however, all of the displays looked bad with the exception of a Sharp, Samsung and Sony, each of which were on their own dedicated 1080p DVD player. Those pictures were incredible!!!!
Cable is another thing. I know comcast has an HD tier, but I want all of the movie channels to be HD :D. Not just a couple per HBO, Show, Cine... etc
MitchSchaft":dc2d8 said:
Cable is another thing. I know comcast has an HD tier, but I want all of the movie channels to be HD :D. Not just a couple per HBO, Show, Cine... etc

See, that's the thing, I don't have any movie channels now but if I go HD, I'll "need" some movie channels, right? :D

I think I'm going to do some other household upgrades before the multi-media thing. I mean, I REALLY want to do this, but in the end I figure I'm going to spend around $5,000 (I also "need" a new surround system) and increase my monthly satellite bill by $20-$40 a month. This is hard stuff for a tightwad like me and again, I keep hearing "Mackie sub... Mackie sub" running through my head.
MitchSchaft":d4e2a said:
Cable is another thing. I know comcast has an HD tier, but I want all of the movie channels to be HD :D. Not just a couple per HBO, Show, Cine... etc
Nice avatar!

I watched Donnie Darko yesterday on my new Samsung LCD TV...what a great movie :thumbsup: ...and the Samsung is :eek: and I only have the 32" one, big enough for me.
I ended up buying the theatrical and director's cut last week :lol:. I heard the website adds even more to the story.

I would go for the sub, Bob. I know exactly what your doubts are as they are the same as mine!
Ya....the sub would go great with the TV. :lol:

I'll have to check the website out.
Randy Van Sykes":f07c3 said:
:|::QBB:Nice avatar!

I watched Donnie Darko yesterday on my new Samsung LCD TV...what a great movie :thumbsup: ...and the Samsung is :eek: and I only have the 32" one, big enough for me.

As much as I think the 46" Samsung would fit better in my entertainment center, I'm still wondering if the 40" might not be best for the room. The problem is when looking at them side-by-side, the 46" dwarfs the 40" and makes me think the 40" would be too small.
Bob Savage":2baa3 said:

As much as I think the 46" Samsung would fit better in my entertainment center, I'm still wondering if the 40" might not be best for the room. The problem is when looking at them side-by-side, the 46" dwarfs the 40" and makes me think the 40" would be too small.
Depends how far your couch is from the TV...I'd rather not see the limitations/imperfections of the TV signal/DVD...when you're close you can see it no matter how good the TV is. 8 - 10 feet away from the 32" looks great. A 46" TV, I'd want to be back pretty far.

I used to have a 50" HD widescreen, it was too big for my room, have to cock my head to see everything and you actually miss alot of stuff...was like being front row at a movie theatre.
Bigger isn't always better. ;)
Randy Van Sykes":bd68a said:
:|::QBB:Depends how far your couch is from the TV...I'd rather not see the limitations/imperfections of the TV signal/DVD...when you're close you can see it no matter how good the TV is. 8 - 10 feet away from the 32" looks great. A 46" TV, I'd want to be back pretty far.

I used to have a 50" HD widescreen, it was too big for my room, have to cock my head to see everything and you actually miss alot of stuff...was like being front row at a movie theatre.
Bigger isn't always better. ;)

The farthest couch is probably only 10' from the screen. Maybe going with the 40" would solve part of my problem (cost). Still, it's going to be a lot of coin to do the all-around upgrade, dang it.
Bob Savage":bf83c said:

The farthest couch is probably only 10' from the screen. Maybe going with the 40" would solve part of my problem (cost). Still, it's going to be a lot of coin to do the all-around upgrade, dang it.
I think a 40" from 10' is plenty. Should look great.

You need a big room for these 50+ inchers. ;)
Purchasing at Costco is highly recommended if possible. They don't sell the extended warranties so they'll take a return on a TV for quite a while. I've heard this is lifetime but I don't know for sure. A friend returned a Philip's that that was about 5 years old for full credit and a Plasma that had issues after about a year and a half for full credit. They can't usually replace the TV, so they'll give you full credit. If you purchased something like a Plasma/LCD you can possibly end up with a much nicer TV as the credit may be at a much higher value the way prices are dropping - of course there's always something new. Haven't had anything go wrong yet with mine.