most effortless easy playing guitar you have ever played?

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I was just curious. I had a Jackson Custom Shop Soloist that played so effortlessly and it was awesome. Also had an Ibanez J Custom that played itself for the most part. Really fun to play that guitar. Also both guitars sounded great also.(for super strats!) What about you guys?
Suhr moderns when they come out of the box fresh are unreal. I have played some in the store that needed a neck tweak or baught used and they were messed up. I just purchased a limited run suhr modern pro antique and it had crazy low action. Needs almost no neck relief.
Don’t have any, but go on the Chubtone site, it’s the purple one in the middle of the group shot on the lead in page, and there are some others in the sold section also.
mooncobra":45f8o3no said:
I was just curious. I had a Jackson Custom Shop Soloist that played so effortlessly and it was awesome. Also had an Ibanez J Custom that played itself for the most part. Really fun to play that guitar. Also both guitars sounded great also.(for super strats!) What about you guys?

It was a standard American Soloist for me. I’d love to own one some day.
My EVH Wolfgang USA tuned to D with 10-52 gauge strings. Plays so damn nice, feels so broken in and feels like a an old leather ski glove!!!!!
My Schecter USA production series takes the title for easiest player.
Parker Fly Classic

I sold it though, I can get other guitars to play almost as good but sound better overall. I replaced it with a 1993 PRS ce24
I'd say either the nik huber orca I tried or my aristides 060. My Bernie Rico Jr 727 also has very sleek playability
my 20th anniversary 2007 ibanez RG
it's a special one that is naturally loud af and i have tweaked it to perfection [pups,brass block,got rid of the middle pup,new pick guard etc]
it's sex butter with a hot tight asian honey
yes i am going there!
My Suhr Modern with a maple board was the game changer for me. Damn near plays itself.
RaceU4her":1zparqdw said:
my old carvin v220
Yep. I had an older Carvin DC that was so smooth. Great guitars.

Second best: Dean V79. This one was a total winner.
Both of the Charvel USAs in my sig. Hands down not even close, and yes I've played a few Andersons and Suhrs.
Another vote for Suhr Moderns. I just bought a Suhr Modern Gold Drip and it just begs to be played. It just makes me not want to put it down. I bought that because I had a Suhr Modern 7 string that's the same way. Both feel like a really comfortable pair of jeans.

Also an Ibanez PGM 301. Had it for over 10 years, will never let that thing go. Maple board is mostly brown now from all the playing and I've never had to tweak anything on it (except changing pickups).
My Peavey Vandenbergs, fasted necks I own and for me they are comfortable instruments. I also have a Tele......I think it's a 1977 that's really a smooth player.