Most overrated amp ever... pick 1!

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You're a fuckin idiot. Now, you're changing your dipshit tune to, "by itself, for heavy tones"....Ok nice of you to 'move the goalposts' so to speak. You said 'C+ is never used by anyone EVAR' which obviously is total bullshit. And, no one here ever said it's the "best amp EVAR" like your butthurt ass seems to constantly proclaim. Like I said, show us on the doll where the C+ hurt you so much. Sorry you didn't win the auction for one years ago...too bad so sad.
1. You say "No one ever used this amp to record"...clearly you're wrong. We've listed bands that used it. Oh, and the BIGGEST METAL BAND EVAR used one for the 2 most influential albums (MOP, AJFA). Oh, and yes they used it for the Black album with others. Per the FUCKING BAND..
2. NOW, you change your tune to "oh but they didn't use it by itself for heavy tones.." WTF are you talking about?? WHO FUCKING CARES
3. Clearly, some pretty BIG FAMOUS ACTS used the C+, and we've listed the bands. Sorry charlie but you can't avoid the facts. They are what they are.

It's an amp. You don't like it. Good for you. Many on here DO like it. You trying to convince yourself that it's somehow not a good sounding amp, makes you look like a total dipshit when you go off the ledge trying to convince others that C+s weren't used by anyone. When clearly they were.
Oh, and John Sykes used them in conjunction with his black stripe III Coliseum. Forgot about that one.

Did I mention the amp is a fucking turd that has never been used by itself on a heavy album?

You sound like the crybaby liberal you are, keep up with the meltdowns!

“mommy! They don’t like my amp! I know it’s good but they don’t like it! They are mean!”

Still waiting on all those heavy records it’s been used on….been waiting awhile. All im hearing is a lot butthurt PMSing over here with no real
Substance. Much the same as the amp and it’s clout: no real substance.
Top 3 examples? Actually, if Machine Head's Burn my Eyes is one of them, and I say this as politely as possible, then never mind listing the others. That is a perfect example of why I mentioned that amp earlier in this thread.
I can't tell if you're being serious not. But if you feel the guitar tones on Burn My Eyes, I'll probably just agree to disagree and move on. To each his own.
I can't tell if you're being serious not. But if you feel the guitar tones on Burn My Eyes, I'll probably just agree to disagree and move on. To each his own.

Yea @thegame and I have fucked with each other a lot over the years but I generally agree personally with a lot of what he says. This one though….I’m not even gonna pretend to understand. I’ve never heard someone say they aren’t into that tone, ever.
Yea @thegame and I have fucked with each other a lot over the years but I generally agree personally with a lot of what he says. This one though….I’m not even gonna pretend to understand. I’ve never heard someone say they aren’t into that tone, ever.
Glad to have popped your cherry. It was...fine.
Wait a minute- talking about consistency, isn't your main argument about against that C+ is that it's not used on enough cool albums? So then, the 5150 is used on tons of cool albums, and it sucks too? I'm confused now. What exactly is your personal criteria for awesomeness?
Wait a minute- talking about consistency, isn't your main argument about against that C+ is that it's not used on enough cool albums? So then, the 5150 is used on tons of cool albums, and it sucks too? I'm confused now. What exactly is your personal criteria for awesomeness?

……I was being sarcastic man.
Top 3 examples? Actually, if Machine Head's Burn my Eyes is one of them, and I say this as politely as possible, then never mind listing the others. That is a perfect example of why I mentioned that amp earlier in this thread.
Agree 100%. The tone on BME is off the charts killer. I saw them on that tour and it sounded just like the album, it was glorious.
Well, Rev G TRIPLES sound good (boosted) and G Duals are a bloated mess. Very un-dynamic to say the least. Earlier ones yes, are better, and the C I had was the best Mesa I've owned.
So if I said G rectos are ALL good, I meant only the Triples.
You’ve stated here many times that you dig G Triples and not Duals.
You’ve stated here many times that you dig G Triples and not Duals.

Yea, I bet. And I’d love to have both sitting here in my studio and make them sound damn near identical and watch you guys try and decide which is which. God that would be fucking hillarious. I’m gonna go with, no chance on fucking earth he would be able to tell which is which. Sounds like a load of horseshit.
I can't tell if you're being serious not. But if you feel the guitar tones on Burn My Eyes, I'll probably just agree to disagree and move on. To each his own.
I thought he was saying that BME tone is so killer, that there’s no need to list the other two. Lol :dunno:
True story, and that's because it's a Coliseum (a pair really) which is an entirely different animal. Once you experience one of these, if you go back to a 4 tube Mark II or III you'll start looking for where the tampon string is hiding.
Dude that’s the truth. There is no such thing as TV volume with my coliseum. You turn it on to either play guitar with earplugs or you turn it off. The volume knob does not have a practice or below TV volume setting at all ?
Yea, I bet. And I’d love to have both sitting here in my studio and make them sound damn near identical and watch you guys try and decide which is which. God that would be fucking hillarious. I’m gonna go with, no chance on fucking earth he would be able to tell which is which. Sounds like a load of horseshit.
So you can make a Dual and a Triple sound damn near identical, but you can’t get good recorded tone from a C+? Sounds like user error to me.
And IN THE FUCKING ROOM, where some people actually care how amps sound, a Dual and Triple have very evident differences.
Agree 100%. The tone on BME is off the charts killer. I saw them on that tour and it sounded just like the album, it was glorious.
Actually what I meant was if someone thought BME was the epitome of 5150 tone then don't list the others because I never liked it lol. Saw them open for Slayer in '95. Musically I liked it but thought nothing of their live tone. For reference, tones that I think are far better from that time period (and coincidentally are also all tuned to B standard) are Heartwork and Demanufacture.
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So you can make a Dual and a Triple sound exactly alike, but you can’t get good recorded tone from a C+? Sounds like user error to me.
And IN THE FUCKING ROOM, where some people actually care how amps sound, a Dual and Triple have very evident differences.

Yea man, sure they do……

Who said I couldn’t make a 2c+ sound good? I sure didn’t say that. I’m willing to bet, I can just about any high gain amp sound pretty good with what I have here.
Actually what I meant was if someone thought BME was the epitome of 5150 tone then don't list the others because I never liked it lol. Saw them open for Slayer in '95. Musically I liked it but thought nothing of their live tone. For reference, tones that I think are far better from that time period (and coincidentally are all tuned to B standard) are Heartwork and Demanufacture.

I agree as far as BME - I'm not a fan of any of their tones tbh :dunno:

I think 5150's can sound good, sure, but it's so overwrought and pedestrian at this point its just like "who cares?"

Not a big fear factory fan, but Heartwork is a killer tone for sure.

Dissection's ReinKaos is a 5150 and an Engl, I think - and that album has killer tones.

I'm somewhere in between medic and racer on the 2C+ - it's definitely a classic tone.... but I mean, there's just the Sykes tone and the Metallica tone, and then everyone pretends old Dream Theatre has good tone because Petrucci is a really technical player for some reason, and then crickets
Yeah, the cab isnt going to fix anything, i'm talking about the low end response.

It's too flubby in the preamp section, and the only way to fix it is by boosting it with tube screamers and putting GEQs in the loop and then profiling it so you don't have to deal with it again
Nah man, they don’t need all that. Keep the bass low, around 9 o’clock, clean boost it and your golden.
It won’t be Larry tight, but tight enough for most applications.
I do agree though that if I have to loop EQ an amp to get what I want, it’s the wrong amp for me.
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Yea man, sure they do……

Who said I couldn’t make a 2c+ sound good? I sure didn’t say that. I’m willing to bet, I can just about any high gain amp sound pretty good with what I have here.
I absolutely know you could! Including a C+, because it’s a killer amp capable of killer recorded tones! Lol
Actually what I meant was if someone thought BME was the epitome of 5150 tone then don't list the others because I never liked it lol. Saw them open for Slayer in '95. Musically I liked it but thought nothing of their live tone. For reference, tones that I think are far better from that time period (and coincidentally are also all tuned to B standard) are Heartwork and Demanufacture.
Both GREAT tones as well.