Well-known member
You're a fuckin idiot. Now, you're changing your dipshit tune to, "by itself, for heavy tones"....Ok nice of you to 'move the goalposts' so to speak. You said 'C+ is never used by anyone EVAR' which obviously is total bullshit. And, no one here ever said it's the "best amp EVAR" like your butthurt ass seems to constantly proclaim. Like I said, show us on the doll where the C+ hurt you so much. Sorry you didn't win the auction for one years ago...too bad so sad.
1. You say "No one ever used this amp to record"...clearly you're wrong. We've listed bands that used it. Oh, and the BIGGEST METAL BAND EVAR used one for the 2 most influential albums (MOP, AJFA). Oh, and yes they used it for the Black album with others. Per the FUCKING BAND..
2. NOW, you change your tune to "oh but they didn't use it by itself for heavy tones.." WTF are you talking about?? WHO FUCKING CARES
3. Clearly, some pretty BIG FAMOUS ACTS used the C+, and we've listed the bands. Sorry charlie but you can't avoid the facts. They are what they are.
It's an amp. You don't like it. Good for you. Many on here DO like it. You trying to convince yourself that it's somehow not a good sounding amp, makes you look like a total dipshit when you go off the ledge trying to convince others that C+s weren't used by anyone. When clearly they were.
Oh, and John Sykes used them in conjunction with his black stripe III Coliseum. Forgot about that one.
Did I mention the amp is a fucking turd that has never been used by itself on a heavy album?
You sound like the crybaby liberal you are, keep up with the meltdowns!
“mommy! They don’t like my amp! I know it’s good but they don’t like it! They are mean!”
Still waiting on all those heavy records it’s been used on….been waiting awhile. All im hearing is a lot butthurt PMSing over here with no real
Substance. Much the same as the amp and it’s clout: no real substance.