I play more metal than rock,
@innogator But I have moved back and forth between straight in and boosted. Granted, I only play high gain amps, so I use a boost say TS style with the level unity to max, tone to taste (to even out if your amp is treble or low mid dominant) and gain all the way off (the gain will muddy up a high gain amp, you don't need more distortion, just level to tighten).
However, like you, I use the volume knob to go from clean to mean, because I only like single channel beasts. This gets tricky as fuck with Noise gates. My current amp and my previous amp diddn't need noisegates until you boost. When you boost, you could get away with it, but if you gate, then you can't use the volume on the guitar or you cut the signal and either end up tap dancing or losing your clean to mean
The way I have fixed this is with a Lehle Volume pedal. It is the 90 version that has a minimum pot. So rather than going full blast to nothing, you can set the pot to where your amp cleans up at the bottom of the volume pedal range. Then, you can play with the amp clean with the gate, because gate is receiving full signal from guitar. The volume pedal is last in line before the amp.
It is very convenient, but that is not all. The coolest thing about this is if you set your amp for always boosted, then your "clean" tone becomes a boosted clean, which is really fucking sweet for single note shit.
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