I have the Renegade head and 212X cab and I'm having hum issues also. My guitars are all humbucker equiped , so its not singlecoil hum. I do have quite a few efx pedals and use a boss NS2 , to get ride of the noise from the pedals (and it does) .Some of my pedals go to the front of the amp (VP JR volume pedal,Boss NS2 , Maxon OD808 ,Demeter Compulater ,Digitech SC-2 , Redwitch Empress chorus , Boss BF 3). and and my Boss RV5 , Boss DD20 and MXR 10 band EQ pedals go through the effects loop. This sounds like a 60hz hum to me but I don't have any florescent lights . Any ideas ?? If nothings pluged into the amp - no hum. What are your setup conditions when you get the hum ?