My story of Trace Davis and Voodoo Amps (spoiler, I'm not stoked)

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As soon as you stop acting like a bitch. 16 PMs about an amp you couldn’t afford and never intended to buy... then you disappear like a moody fag that found his boyfriend with 5 dicks in his ass.

"Moody fag"

Pretty much. My feedback speaks for itself. Over 200 hundred all positive deals on this forum as well as on other forums and over 400 all positive on eBay. So yeah. When you tell someone that: "I'll take it"... that's a deal. But I guess with all the little skinny jean wearing me-me-me-me-lamials running around here... that doesn't mean much anymore. When I tell someone we have a deal... we have a deal.

I don't send 16 PMs to someone in order to buy an amp... then disappear and cut off all communications.

Then the same pissant comes here to bitch and moan on how someone like Trace, who's been in business for years... has had "poor communications... was treated poorly, blah, blah, blah"... It's ironic and funny. And there's 2 sides to every story. Get it Francis?

Oh... I see you're from Cana-duh... Fary's husband? All the mouthy fags want to stick their dicks in here today.
I backed my posts up with facts and proof... now run along and find a another dick to sit on.

Hilarious. You must be an absolute sweet heart around the house, darling.
WOZ needs to stick a tampon in it, stop being big mad, and let the healing begin.


You sure got a lot to say now. Maybe the next seller you BS about buying something from... after sending them 16 PMs full of shit and hot air then ghosting them after telling them: "I'll take it"... will learn from this thread.



You're a lowlife POS punk kid without a pot to piss in or one to throw it out of. Now run along... go find mommies credit card to go rent more shit you can't afford.

To the members here: Deal with "team13chad" (Chad... such gay fag porn name too lol) at your own risk.

Now I wonder why Chad the Gay "Stoked Brah" had problems dealing with Trace???????????
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As soon as you stop acting like a bitch. 16 PMs about an amp you couldn’t afford and never intended to buy... then you disappear like a moody fag that found his boyfriend with 5 dicks in his ass.
I am guessing you sold the amp
In the end and made the payment on the double wide and did not get evicted from the park
So all ended ok
Eating popcorn here laughing at the insults.....I almost forgot what the point of the thread was!!!! Imagine if this was on Facebook! The SJW's would have you all banned for life. Glad there's still from free spaces to call each other dick lickers, faggots, Pole Squatters. and cock gobblers! MURICA!!!

That's actually EXACTLY why I prefer RT to tgp or anywhere else.

In real life, people don't get along and call eachother names - shit happens. Banning everyone who's called someone else a faggot, ass pope, white trash, cum guzzler etc is going to leave no one around to actually talk about gear.

Life's a contact sport, wear a cup.
That's actually EXACTLY why I prefer RT to tgp or anywhere else.

In real life, people don't get along and call eachother names - shit happens. Banning everyone who's called someone else a faggot, ass pope, white trash, cum guzzler etc is going to leave no one around to actually talk about gear.

Life's a contact sport, wear a cup.
No one has used " Cum Dumpster" Yet, I'm a bit disappointed.
That's actually EXACTLY why I prefer RT to tgp or anywhere else.

In real life, people don't get along and call eachother names - shit happens. Banning everyone who's called someone else a faggot, ass pope, white trash, cum guzzler etc is going to leave no one around to actually talk about gear.

Life's a contact sport, wear a cup.
Time will tell, this place is owned by some very sensitive folks evidently.
In other news, I just now noticed Off Topic completely disappeared. One of the last things I read in there was one of the more active posters was wishing for an "uncensored" GEAR forum. Wow, I guess some folks are REALLY passionate about Class A vs. Class AB, true bypass vs. buffered etc ?
Cock socket
Cock sleeve
Pillow biter
Rump ranger
Ass Merchant
Dick cannibal
Cock jockey
Knob gobbler
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This is the cost of your mods?
Plus shipping and return.

As long as the amp arrives as we discussed & not needing replacement of sockets, dual caps transformers etc... yes. That is a fair price for quality work and tone that represents itself.

I use IPhone recordings as I have engineered 5 CD’s from the ground up. It is too easy to misrepresent a modded amp not that the placement of the IPhone can’t be misleading.

Like Friedman said someone is always going to complain at one end or the other on demo’s. (Paraphrased).

I do this because I want to help like minded guitarists. $ is not the motive but for parts, time and intellectual property it is a fair price. Not often does my work come up for sale.

Sure I have haters as we all do but I have made a lot more friends on this great journey.

I started playing at age 8. Playing bars at 15. Continued playing bars and in studios my entire life while raising 2 sons alone and serving 24 years in a combat unit. Been dead twice, am 100% DAV Valor in combat. I retired well at age 50 but can no longer play a 4 hour show without a visit to the ER so I serve our community in this manner even though my playing suffers as I approach 60, I will Never Surrender.

If a guy knows what he wants and I can provide then I do so at my choosing.

From sleeping with a Stratocaster at age eight to waking in pain at 3a.m. currently with circuit ideas for notation, my love for guitar will travel with me to the here after.

Best Regards to all.

David Hopkins