NAD: An odd Ecstasy 101B

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Hey everyone. Been waiting on this one for a while. Bought this at Guitar Center over 3 weeks ago - they sent me the wrong amp (lol) which I then had to mail back, and they wouldn't ship the correct amp until they received the wrong amp back. Ugh. The plus side is I got to play a 20th Anniversay Shiva for a weekend, free. Nice amp.

Anyway, here's the Ecstasy.

First things first I suppose - I've never had an Ecstasy of any kind before. I'm hesitant to make any sweeping statements, I just got it after all and the "honeymoon phase" makes fools of us all. But wow, I get the hype - this thing sounds absolutely incredible. All three channels are just top tier, and I could dial in a tone I loved in seconds - and I've barely even touched the EQ so far. The bright switches that can be set per channel, switchable presence/excursion controls are great - I actually love the excursion control, more than I would a resonance or NFB knob. It reminds me a bit of my Ceriatone King Kong, the "character" switch tied to the deep control on that amp has an enormous effect on the "pants shaking" element of playing the amp - but it also changes the feel of playing it quite a bit too. It's a little loose, but I prefer it in the "L" position right now, and it really shakes the room.

I know the blue channel is the "famous" one, but I'm really enjoying the red channel a lot as well. Both channels, at least on this version of the amp, can be made to sound very similar, and with the green channel also capable of a little bit of dirt if desired, there's so many cool ways to make this amp work. I don't have to do green-clean blue-crunch red-lead, even if that's the easiest way to look at it. For example, I can put red into plexi mode (cuts out two gain stages) and use that as my clean, then green with the gain maxed and bright on as my crunch, and then use blue as my lead - still plenty of gain on that channel with the gain boost turned on, and with the bright I can easily go from a smooth lead to a raunchy one that still sounds like it makes sense coming from the green channel set to crunch. And that's without assigning the second presence control to another channel, another powerful feature!

I'm really just blown away at how great it sounds - I can hardly find a bad sound in it. Amazing. I need to sit on it for a bit and play with it more, but this absolutely might upset my Top 5 amps list.

Oh, and count me a big fan of the class A mode.
The only major drawback so far is that it didn't include the footswitch, which makes it kind of a pain to use. I'm glad I can switch channels from the back panel but if anyone has a footswitch for one of these laying around, let me know. A guy local to me has a spare XTC footswitch but I haven't gotten a response yet.

Now here's the odd thing about it. The serial sign is 033, which is a very low number, and it has Mercury transformers. However, the caps inside date to 2001, and the transformer itself has a sticker dated to 2002. I thought they stopped using Mercury transformers far before 2002? I did some digging through old Reverb listings and recorded the serial signs of a lot of Ecstasy's, and I noticed there are some other examples of very low serial numbers existing with the same 00's style back panel as this one. So why would the serial numbers be in the 100's/200's/300's, then suddenly drop back to 000 for a bit? More confusingly, there are others around the same time frame (2000-2004 year) with higher SN's (one I found from 2001 had an SN 825). 2004 and later amps had numbered SN's, instead of signs.

So, anyone who has been down the Ecstasy rabbit hole, why does an amp from 2002 have a lower SN than earlier amps + Mercury transformers? And yes, I'm aware I can email Bogner and plan to, so I'll share whatever information I get from them as well.
Here's a pic of the SN and transformer:
Can’t help you on the year but congrats man, I have a 1996.

They are wicked amps, reminds me of Marshall that fucked a 5150. Nice low mid bump

Get decently brutal with a boost as well.
I had a pre-2000 XTC which is pretty much the same setup as yours. Just a beautiful sounding amp!

Much congrats!
That's one of the good ones. I had a 98-ish with the MM iron, and foolishly got rid of it. Nice score!!
I have the same earlier 101B too... i was told to remove a high pass cap which was said to have a covering tone effect on the highs... removed it and the amp i play now has a smile on my face ....

not a bogner xtc expert but i hear the 20th anniversary XTC has gotta rounder more 3D tone than the earlier 101B which the tone is more flat... ?
Really need to try one of these older XTCs out, congrats. Any thoughts compared to the 20th Shiva they sent you?
Man I'm glad to see Bogners getting more popular with more modern players. It has been such an elusive company for so long. Maybe it was that they were more known for being featured on more laid back rock albums, or maybe it was Reinhold's eccentric image that threw people, or maybe it was the boutique pricing and company size. Whatever it was, I'm glad the amps are speaking for themselves and more people are getting interested. Just about everything that company releases, especially the flagship 101B, is so good.

Congrats on the new amp, it's a beaut.

Oh and whatever you do, you definitely shouldn't throw a low cut in front and turn it into a tight firebreathing high gain monster. You wouldn't like that at all. Nope, definitely shouldn't try that...

I have the same earlier 101B too... i was told to remove a high pass cap which was said to have a covering tone effect on the highs... removed it and the amp i play now has a smile on my face ....

not a bogner xtc expert but i hear the 20th anniversary XTC has gotta rounder more 3D tone than the earlier 101B which the tone is more flat... ?

The 20th isn't better, just different. The 20th's Red channel is slightly tighter, stiffer, more modern, and more hi-fi, which I think makes that channel slightly better than the 101B's Red channel, but the 20th's Blue channel is also tighter, stiffer, more modern, and more hi-fi, which I think makes that channel a bit worse than the 101B's Blue channel. They're very similar amps overall though.
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I have the same earlier 101B too... i was told to remove a high pass cap which was said to have a covering tone effect on the highs... removed it and the amp i play now has a smile on my face ....

not a bogner xtc expert but i hear the 20th anniversary XTC has gotta rounder more 3D tone than the earlier 101B which the tone is more flat... ?

More info on this cap you speak of?
To the OP welcome to the 101B MM loaded club! I personally seem to prefer this era over a 100B thanks to Blake’s recent clips.

The amp kicks all kinds of ass on the blue channel boosted with a pedal. Choose any pedal. It’s a whole different animal. I was absolutely floored when I hit the first chord.

When you get a chance to work with the EQ more, know that a lot of the pots are not linear taper but instead log taper. So don’t be afraid to turn certain ones way up until you hear a change. I personally like to run the presence jacked way up for the blue channel to remove the blanket and then I keep the treble very low around 2. Mids and bass to taste.
Hey everyone. Been waiting on this one for a while. Bought this at Guitar Center over 3 weeks ago - they sent me the wrong amp (lol) which I then had to mail back, and they wouldn't ship the correct amp until they received the wrong amp back. Ugh. The plus side is I got to play a 20th Anniversay Shiva for a weekend, free. Nice amp.

Anyway, here's the Ecstasy.
View attachment 263451

First things first I suppose - I've never had an Ecstasy of any kind before. I'm hesitant to make any sweeping statements, I just got it after all and the "honeymoon phase" makes fools of us all. But wow, I get the hype - this thing sounds absolutely incredible. All three channels are just top tier, and I could dial in a tone I loved in seconds - and I've barely even touched the EQ so far. The bright switches that can be set per channel, switchable presence/excursion controls are great - I actually love the excursion control, more than I would a resonance or NFB knob. It reminds me a bit of my Ceriatone King Kong, the "character" switch tied to the deep control on that amp has an enormous effect on the "pants shaking" element of playing the amp - but it also changes the feel of playing it quite a bit too. It's a little loose, but I prefer it in the "L" position right now, and it really shakes the room.

I know the blue channel is the "famous" one, but I'm really enjoying the red channel a lot as well. Both channels, at least on this version of the amp, can be made to sound very similar, and with the green channel also capable of a little bit of dirt if desired, there's so many cool ways to make this amp work. I don't have to do green-clean blue-crunch red-lead, even if that's the easiest way to look at it. For example, I can put red into plexi mode (cuts out two gain stages) and use that as my clean, then green with the gain maxed and bright on as my crunch, and then use blue as my lead - still plenty of gain on that channel with the gain boost turned on, and with the bright I can easily go from a smooth lead to a raunchy one that still sounds like it makes sense coming from the green channel set to crunch. And that's without assigning the second presence control to another channel, another powerful feature!

I'm really just blown away at how great it sounds - I can hardly find a bad sound in it. Amazing. I need to sit on it for a bit and play with it more, but this absolutely might upset my Top 5 amps list.

Oh, and count me a big fan of the class A mode.
The only major drawback so far is that it didn't include the footswitch, which makes it kind of a pain to use. I'm glad I can switch channels from the back panel but if anyone has a footswitch for one of these laying around, let me know. A guy local to me has a spare XTC footswitch but I haven't gotten a response yet.

Now here's the odd thing about it. The serial sign is 033, which is a very low number, and it has Mercury transformers. However, the caps inside date to 2001, and the transformer itself has a sticker dated to 2002. I thought they stopped using Mercury transformers far before 2002? I did some digging through old Reverb listings and recorded the serial signs of a lot of Ecstasy's, and I noticed there are some other examples of very low serial numbers existing with the same 00's style back panel as this one. So why would the serial numbers be in the 100's/200's/300's, then suddenly drop back to 000 for a bit? More confusingly, there are others around the same time frame (2000-2004 year) with higher SN's (one I found from 2001 had an SN 825). 2004 and later amps had numbered SN's, instead of signs.

So, anyone who has been down the Ecstasy rabbit hole, why does an amp from 2002 have a lower SN than earlier amps + Mercury transformers? And yes, I'm aware I can email Bogner and plan to, so I'll share whatever information I get from them as well.
Here's a pic of the SN and transformer:
View attachment 263454View attachment 263457
You can order a B stock or new footswitch from Bogner directly. You just email to get one.
More info on this cap you speak of?
Hi Jun

Actually it would be hard to answer Your question fully as changing transformers was one of many mods I did to my amp. Overall goal was to open this amp and MM transformers was a big part of it. But main thing for this task was changing dirty Treble pot to linear (stock is audio) and removing C40 Excursion cap. Those two mods removed "blanket effect" from the XTC sound.

Above was the conversation i had with one of the member here "setneck" as he modded heavily on his XTC... some even add a cameron voicing switch..... think setneck is an old member here and if he is still around he may tell ya more..... ?

I didnt take the hassle of changing the audio pot out to linear.... but i only took out the C40 cap.... is easy and simple.... cause its a wima cap... it has short leads and you could only break it off but putting it back ya may need to remove the huge board and solder from underneath.... its just a small difference i guess... it opens up the XTC more....
I wouldn’t jump to clipping caps on the board. Set the treble to 9, assign presence B to where you want it, and use B2 switch. It can be a bright punchy amp if that’s what you want.

If you clip the cap and want to get under the main PCB to solder it back on, it’s a real pain in the ass.
LOVE my 2003 101b. Hated the 2007. Haven't tried one with MM transformers or the 20th anniversary yet. The blue channel is actually my least favorite channel :LOL:
Thanks everyone! I'm really thrilled with it. It's a lot more versatile than I expected, and really fits my playing style a lot - definitely much more gain potential than I realized, even without a boost it gets pretty heavy. I have an Uberschall as well and while that one is clearly much more aggressive, I thought the gain difference would be night and day - the Ecstasy red channel with the gain turned up actually feels like it's pretty close to the Uber, at least in my "palm mute chugging" test - obviously the tonal qualities are a bit different but I feel like I could do metal pretty convincingly on this thing if I needed to, which I was not expecting. I think I had in my mind that it was a darker, rock amp, or crunchy rhythm amp. It can get nearly as bright as my 2203 (currently I have both of these amps out side by side) but with the Excursion set to L, the Bogner fills the room more... maybe a hair less cutting but it surprised me either way.

I'm gushing a little - need to sit on it and tweak for a few weeks before I really get a feel for it. I've made the mistake of loving an amp when I first got it (Mark V), or in contrast amps I didn't love when I first got them I discovered I loved later (Marshall TSL), so I try not to get too invested...

Really need to try one of these older XTCs out, congrats. Any thoughts compared to the 20th Shiva they sent you?
I liked it, but it didn't blow me away. I thought the cleans were good, but a little bland (I like slightly dirty cleans and the Shiva isn't really meant for that), and the gain channel was both dark and not as full sounding as I expected. On the other hand, I really liked it with the mode/gain boost on, and the shift button was actually useful too, so it had a lot going for it there. It felt focused, but also a hair congested I guess - but admittedly I only spent a few hours with it. Then again, in the few hours I've had the XTC it's impressed me much more, but that's not to say the Shiva is a bad amp by any means. I also loved the Shiva's spring reverb, very nice - it's certainly on my future shopping list and I'll be specifically looking for a reverb model now.

I have the same earlier 101B too... i was told to remove a high pass cap which was said to have a covering tone effect on the highs... removed it and the amp i play now has a smile on my face ....
I'm plenty happy with the amp as it stands currently, and with the bright switches I feel it doesn't have the "blanket" effect - but I'll keep this in mind. It may be speaker related, currently I've only used the XTC through my '03 Mesa V30 cab, which is pretty punchy already. Through my 80s G12T75's, which roll off a lot of highs, it might be different.

Man I'm glad to see Bogners getting more popular with more modern players. It has been such an elusive company for so long. Maybe it was that they were more known for being featured on more laid back rock albums, or maybe it was Reinhold's eccentric image that threw people, or maybe it was the boutique pricing

Oh and whatever you do, you definitely shouldn't throw a low cut in front and turn it into a tight firebreathing high gain monster. You wouldn't like that at all. Nope, definitely shouldn't try that...
In my case, boutique pricing for sure - I know these days I have this massive collection of amps but it was only a few years ago that I couldn't fathom the idea of paying more than $1k for an amp. I still have that mindset sometimes, I'm much more likely to buy 4x $1k amps than I would buy a single $4k amp, even if the hit to my wallet ends up being the same. In some respects, there are some cheap amps that still blow me away (I got a XXX as recently as a few months ago for $300 that I still think sounds easily as good as amps four times that price) but also I understand a lot better now why someone who maybe only has space/time for one amp, they'd buy just one expensive/nice amp like this and just keep it forever.

I can't wait to try it boosted, or with a little bass cut. I already feel it can get pretty aggressive even still on the blue channel. The extra gain on red doesn't flub out either - still full sounding, but not super loose. I haven't tried it with any low tunings yet though.

To the OP welcome to the 101B MM loaded club! I personally seem to prefer this era over a 100B thanks to Blake’s recent clips.

The amp kicks all kinds of ass on the blue channel boosted with a pedal. Choose any pedal. It’s a whole different animal. I was absolutely floored when I hit the first chord.

When you get a chance to work with the EQ more, know that a lot of the pots are not linear taper but instead log taper. So don’t be afraid to turn certain ones way up until you hear a change. I personally like to run the presence jacked way up for the blue channel to remove the blanket and then I keep the treble very low around 2. Mids and bass to taste.
I did notice the taper on the pots being odd - the presence especially, at first I thought maybe the presence control didn't work, until I twisted it a bit further. I'm a big fan of tweaking the presence vs treble thing too, high pres low treble, or high treble low pres, both have unique characters (this applies to amps that aren't just this XTC). I can't wait to try blue/red boosted, I haven't even gotten around to that just yet. Needless to say it's going to be a fun weekend.

You can order a B stock or new footswitch from Bogner directly. You just email to get one.
Thanks - I'll give them a try. Hopefully it isn't too expensive. I got a great price on the amp but a $200+ footswitch is a pretty big setback...
Thanks everyone! I'm really thrilled with it. It's a lot more versatile than I expected, and really fits my playing style a lot - definitely much more gain potential than I realized, even without a boost it gets pretty heavy. I have an Uberschall as well and while that one is clearly much more aggressive, I thought the gain difference would be night and day - the Ecstasy red channel with the gain turned up actually feels like it's pretty close to the Uber, at least in my "palm mute chugging" test - obviously the tonal qualities are a bit different but I feel like I could do metal pretty convincingly on this thing if I needed to, which I was not expecting. I think I had in my mind that it was a darker, rock amp, or crunchy rhythm amp. It can get nearly as bright as my 2203 (currently I have both of these amps out side by side) but with the Excursion set to L, the Bogner fills the room more... maybe a hair less cutting but it surprised me either way.

I'm gushing a little - need to sit on it and tweak for a few weeks before I really get a feel for it. I've made the mistake of loving an amp when I first got it (Mark V), or in contrast amps I didn't love when I first got them I discovered I loved later (Marshall TSL), so I try not to get too invested...

I liked it, but it didn't blow me away. I thought the cleans were good, but a little bland (I like slightly dirty cleans and the Shiva isn't really meant for that), and the gain channel was both dark and not as full sounding as I expected. On the other hand, I really liked it with the mode/gain boost on, and the shift button was actually useful too, so it had a lot going for it there. It felt focused, but also a hair congested I guess - but admittedly I only spent a few hours with it. Then again, in the few hours I've had the XTC it's impressed me much more, but that's not to say the Shiva is a bad amp by any means. I also loved the Shiva's spring reverb, very nice - it's certainly on my future shopping list and I'll be specifically looking for a reverb model now.

I'm plenty happy with the amp as it stands currently, and with the bright switches I feel it doesn't have the "blanket" effect - but I'll keep this in mind. It may be speaker related, currently I've only used the XTC through my '03 Mesa V30 cab, which is pretty punchy already. Through my 80s G12T75's, which roll off a lot of highs, it might be different.

In my case, boutique pricing for sure - I know these days I have this massive collection of amps but it was only a few years ago that I couldn't fathom the idea of paying more than $1k for an amp. I still have that mindset sometimes, I'm much more likely to buy 4x $1k amps than I would buy a single $4k amp, even if the hit to my wallet ends up being the same. In some respects, there are some cheap amps that still blow me away (I got a XXX as recently as a few months ago for $300 that I still think sounds easily as good as amps four times that price) but also I understand a lot better now why someone who maybe only has space/time for one amp, they'd buy just one expensive/nice amp like this and just keep it forever.

I can't wait to try it boosted, or with a little bass cut. I already feel it can get pretty aggressive even still on the blue channel. The extra gain on red doesn't flub out either - still full sounding, but not super loose. I haven't tried it with any low tunings yet though.

I did notice the taper on the pots being odd - the presence especially, at first I thought maybe the presence control didn't work, until I twisted it a bit further. I'm a big fan of tweaking the presence vs treble thing too, high pres low treble, or high treble low pres, both have unique characters (this applies to amps that aren't just this XTC). I can't wait to try blue/red boosted, I haven't even gotten around to that just yet. Needless to say it's going to be a fun weekend.

Thanks - I'll give them a try. Hopefully it isn't too expensive. I got a great price on the amp but a $200+ footswitch is a pretty big setback...
A new footswitch from Bogner cost me $225.