Just to clarify about the Rev C and Rev E in that video.
That Rev C in particular is very tight and aggressive, even for a Rev C. Was serviced by Mesa Hollywood and put to 100% stock, and runs Mesa STR 440 as for power (6L6) and Mesa Preamp tubes, might be either Chinese or Soviet ones. The exact same tubes were in that Rev E, also serviced at Mesa Hollywood at the same time as the Rev C.
The main differences between them, while in the room, is that the C does have a more extended low end, going lower on frequencies than the E. Plus, it had a little flatter mid and bumped upper mid, and a hair more gain. So, you'd have the impression of more saturation than the Rev E.
Rev E tho, not as extended on lower frequencies, but with more pronounced lower mid and a bit scooped midrange, gives you an instant impression of a bit cleaner, but fatter, bigger, on every note, at the same time.
So, the Rev E is a bit more polite than the C, and even knowing the E is a bit fatter all the time, when chugging with the C, All the extended lows pop up and rumbles the whole place.
That Rev E in the video is my second favorite Rectifier. I also went on the same rabbit hole and bought over 15 of them already(not all at the same time! lol), and decided to only keep the C I have to this day. And while I regret letting the Rev E go, that is something I would never let happen with the Rev C. Most pissed off Mesa amp I've ever heard.