am I late to the party on this? snake oil or legit? price is great though...
well? I'm to fuckin dumb to download it so I'm trying to live vicariously through you...lol...I intend to try it out this weekend. I already have ToneX and think it’s pretty bomb and simple to use though.
pretty interesting video....Wow.
I kept waiting for him to switch rigs and the video ended lol.
Another 5 years and I think paid modelers might be obsolete.
Not surprising given the computing power available on the tiniest of devices.
Very cool time to be a guitar player!
Regardless, the ToneX will be relevant for decades to come, just like the Kemper, Helix, old ADA, Digitech and Boss rack unitsI intend to try it out this weekend. I already have ToneX and think it’s pretty bomb and simple to use though.
Faster? I doubt it; the Kemper takes, IIRC, well under a minute to make a Profile (40 seconds?).He copied some of my presets from my gear and seems to be much faster and snoother than the Kemper's " Capture / Copy " downloads.
What's this now?Oh also: Now if we can just get @DanTravis62 to download it so we can all use his Larry!!!!!!
What's this now?
A Quad Cortex software bundle or something?
Yeah I must say the 5150 profile is spot on to my amp. The bass is there the feel is even there. It actually is the closest to amp in a room I’ve experiencedIt’s 100 percent the real deal. I mean literally 100 percent.there’s absolutely nothing closer that I’ve heard, or FELT. If you’ve ever played a real wizard, you know how insane they feel to play. The models a few have done on their wizards are incredible to play on and the feel is dead on in my opinion.
I think what I love most about it, is that it’s more idiot proof than the kemper for instance. NAM generally works with capturing the DI of your amp with no cabinet: not necessarily a “full rig” ( amp cab mic etc). What this means is, its really hard for people to fuck this up with no shitty micing of their amp getting in the way. You can then use your favorite IR’s and have a much better chance of getting a fantastic tone with this thing than the kemper.
It also captures full blown studio gear like eq’s, saturation devices, mic pres, Etc. There’s a few who have modeled preamps and seperate power amps as well. There’s a set of VHT 2902 power amp models that I’ll use with peoples preamps models or pedal preamp models and it’s fantastic.
For sheer accuracy, NAM smokes kemper, tonex etc. 100 percent the real deal.