neural amp modeler....

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At the risk of calling myself out (I don't have time to go through the video atm or conduct research), what would I need hardware wise to start using this? Besides the basics like a PC, monitors, interface and presumably, mic(s) to use in the capture process.

amp line level out - audio interface -pc - audio interface- reamp box
I think they just came out with a new release that decreased the cpu usage in half. I couldn’t get it to run as standalone then opened in my DAW and had no issues. I do like the fact that it is open source. I think we will get a better product vs with companies that only have a handful of developers.

I would like to see a nicer looking interface. And I know you can always use effects from the DAW or other VST’s but I really like having one plug in to do all the work. There are a lot of times I’ve used a model or profiler or whatever and it will sound damn good on some models but not capture the nuance of others. A Splawn is a good example. A Splawn and a Friedman are very different animals but with the Kemper and QC I really couldn’t tell the difference
I'm getting lag and noise. I only used Leon Todd's mark iv capture and no cab ir. played with the settings and was able to improve it some but not enough to be usable. Running it stand alone, not with reaper or audacity.....not really sure how to. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
I'm getting lag and noise. I only used Leon Todd's mark iv capture and no cab ir. played with the settings and was able to improve it some but not enough to be usable. Running it stand alone, not with reaper or audacity.....not really sure how to. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

FYI NAM is only working at 48k right now, not 44.1 or 96 or anything else. That’s a big one right now.
For latency of course yes, but for NAM operation nope! Just 48k though on the sample rate for sure
I play with the buffer size and weird things happen. whether I increase or decrease.....
finally dug into this today, runs quite nicely in waves studio rack in pro tools.

figured I’d compare to some normal emulation type plugins, as well as my 2203 that I made the model from. Is it noticeable which the real amp and NAM are?

I can relate bro', I can relate. :doh:
I guess it needs to be run in your DAW correct? I'm just running it by itself. Plus I don't know how to set the fuckin thing up in reaper. Plus trying to upload other people's captures is impossible. I download a file and then can't find it. This is why I call for a Butlerian Jihad.
I guess it needs to be run in your DAW correct? I'm just running it by itself.
It should work either way brudda.

I know nothing about this thing, but Im guessing you have a "stand-alone" or "plugin" choice for running it.

In a DAW, you'd be calling up the plugin from a list within the app and "inserting" it into a mixer channel... I'm guessing.

Plus I don't know how to set the fuckin thing up in reaper.
Don't know Reaper; only know of it.

What I said above should apply 'though.

Plus trying to upload other people's captures is impossible. I download a file and then can't find it.
You have to check the preference settings in your browser.

Look for the setting where you specify the download folder. Everything you download should go to that location.

You've probably got the files sitting in there already... and a shedload of ladyboy pics you downloaded and forgot about in the past.
Discovered that free vst plug in a few days ago. It’s easy to fall into the rabbit hole of trying out the many available models out there. Tjis one sounded not too bad and here is the first riff that popped my mind. Just sharing my humble take. Took me more time trying to achieve the flanger effect, which is still off as i didn’t have a good vst for it
Discovered that free vst plug in a few days ago. It’s easy to fall into the rabbit hole of trying out the many available models out there. Tjis one sounded not too bad and here is the first riff that popped my mind. Just sharing my humble take. Took me more time trying to achieve the flanger effect, which is still off as i didn’t have a good vst for it

Recording process:
Ibanez RGA IX6U (neck pickup)

NECK pickup?
Recording process:
Ibanez RGA IX6U (neck pickup)

NECK pickup?
Nobody reads my video details but you did ??? good catch and thanks for letting me know. Very appreciated. Error from my side as i probably did a « cut’n past » from another clip details. I will edit it once back home tonight. It should have been « bridge ».
Nobody reads my video details but you did ??? good catch and thanks for letting me know. Very appreciated. Error from my side as i probably did a « cut’n past » from another clip details. I will edit it once back home tonight. It should have been « bridge ».
I read them all the time. Thanks!