New guy; New Herbert Mk3

Some nice old UK broke in v30 sounds like. I think my vintage 30s sound kinda undefined through the herb mkiii... redbacks little bit too muffled upper mid response... fane f70 sound pretty good with it but can get a little undefined in the low mids still.... I'm thinking about trying some g12t75 with it. I've had alot of amps and this is the most picky one I've ever had, something in the voicing, the mids/low mids almost seem too broad to be focused if that makes sense.
Boost it with a ts9 for ultimate clarity
Boost it with a ts9 for ultimate clarity
Hm, you know every amp I ever boosted lost clarity somehow. Felt like it neutered the tone. That would be so weird to have to boost this to clear up the mids. Would be a first for me. This is like my 20th amp. But at this point, I'm almost willing to try it. Also considering the 10 band in the loop.
Some nice old UK broke in v30 sounds like. I think my vintage 30s sound kinda undefined through the herb mkiii... redbacks little bit too muffled upper mid response... fane f70 sound pretty good with it but can get a little undefined in the low mids still.... I'm thinking about trying some g12t75 with it. I've had alot of amps and this is the most picky one I've ever had, something in the voicing, the mids/low mids almost seem too broad to be focused if that makes sense.
I'd try heritage 20w Greenbacks for what you're describing. It may also just be the cab itself rather than the speakers being the culprit if you keep lacking the definition you want
I'd try heritage 20w Greenbacks for what you're describing. It may also just be the cab itself rather than the speakers being the culprit if you keep lacking the definition you want
The cab I switch speakers in is the marshall oversized, we'll built, mf280. I also sealed it inside with silicone along the seams. It's been a great cab for alot of years. This amp is the only one with almost too fat of mids. For the heritage greenbacks, I'm concerned they can't handle the low end of a herbert.

I have a framus cobra cab with normal 25 greenbacks, and it sounds really great until I turn the amp up. They can't handle the chunk without farting. And by the time I suck enough bass back to cope. I lose what makes the amp thick otherwise. I noticed the f70 and redback combo sounds better with volume which is to be expected. But the amp has such a unique mid structure, and it can be tight while also somehow being slightly bloated, it's weird but unique. I sold some k100s a long time ago before I got a diezel. Didnt like them, but alotta diezel fans say the k100 makes the mids less congested.

I didn't like v30 either, sold those yeara ago, just recently bought 4 of them JUST because diezel is rumored to have voiced it around the speaker. So I said fxk it and gave them another go. And I'm just not hearing that perfect marriage sole claim. It's like the vintage 30 can't actually handle all the frequency the herbert puts out. Maybe it's just a mkiii thing. I have read others have this same viewpoint. A private jack works well with it, BUT low end gets muddy and you have to suck it out to the point it's thin again through those too.

I have someone wanting to trade a mkii savage for it. I've had both of the first savage revisions. Orange and red button... but I'm not quite ready to pet go of the beauty of this 180 watt 6 power tubes thing of beauty. Half the time I stare at it while I'm playing... I love tubes. My grandfather was a tube TV repairman so I've always been a tube dude.
Ps, I don't tune way low. Usually standard C with 60s. I use good pickups etc. Been a tone snob for 10 years or so now lol so tons of high gain heads have been through here. Lots of tube/speaker swapping has went on with almost every head I've had. I have 5 4x12 cabs loaded. Pickups are usually black winter, mojotone sledgehammer, duncan sh6, manlius vintage modern, and I've had 2 BKP offerings, miracle man, ceramic warpig. Kept the warpig. All in mahogany guitars. So things are usually consistent with how I'm running the tones. This is one of the more unique voiced amps with a super vocal midrange, alot of thickness. The closest to it tone would be an archon 100, the archon has less congestion and in my opinion more focused mids. I just retubed it again last night, put 4 Tad 6l6 back in at 29ma, and 2 mesa El34 at 31ma. Something about the kt77 in my opinion further congested the mids.
Hm, you know every amp I ever boosted lost clarity somehow. Felt like it neutered the tone. That would be so weird to have to boost this to clear up the mids. Would be a first for me. This is like my 20th amp. But at this point, I'm almost willing to try it. Also considering the 10 band in the loop.
Boosted should bring it tighter and get more clarity