New H&K GrandMeister

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Kind of an upgrade to the TubeMeister series with built in FX . . .

Damn. So much potential, but I just can't get past those cheesy neon lights on the front panel/headshell. :thumbsdown: They really are a deal breaker for me. I wouldn't be comfortable playing on stage with a neon "TRON" amp behind me.....

hunter":33ka118q said:
Grandmeister bcause it costs a grand?
I'm sure it won't be cheap but it certainly seems cooler than anything Line 6 has done. I am intrigued.
rlord1974":30ndzecw said:
Damn. So much potential, but I just can't get past those cheesy neon lights on the front panel/headshell. :thumbsdown: They really are a deal breaker for me. I wouldn't be comfortable playing on stage with a neon "TRON" amp behind me.....

+1 on this sadly, always turned off by the neon blue madness, not a good look imo

amp wise it seems to be a mix of the switchblade + tubemeister series with even more futuristic features, cool to see them trying stuff

digging the backing instrumental track in any case :rock: solo around 3:16 is tasty
Personally, I dig the Hughes and Kettner "Tron" theme. I also really like the features they are packing into this little amp. I really like my Tubemiester 18, but cant really justify upgrading since Ive got a GMajor 2 running in the effects loop for effects. Plus, I dont really need the extra power. However, I will say that I like the addition of the presence and resonance knobs. All in all, I think this looks like a pretty killer amp.
Another cool amp from H&K with a lot of potential --- that will be summarily ignored by most on this forum. :D

There is no gray area with H&K - you either like them or hate them. Personally, I like them and would give this one a shot. My Switchblade rips F'n ass. Just sayin'... ;)
go figure...a week after I finally go for an Ironball!!!
not that the ironball isn't amazing!!!
IndyWS6":kgafu600 said:
Another cool amp from H&K with a lot of potential --- that will be summarily ignored by most on this forum. :D

There is no gray area with H&K - you either like them or hate them. Personally, I like them and would give this one a shot. My Switchblade rips F'n ass. Just sayin'... ;)

Dismissed on RT because it's H & K or because it's not in the 100W weight class?

It seems like all the dials on the GM36 are digitally controllable so you can store and recall many settings easily from MIDI or H & K's iPad app. I just hope it's easier to dial in than the TM 18 with its interdependent EQ. I like how there's now an "ultra" gain stage, the TM 18 lead channel wasn't enough for me. Kind of neat also how they put some "basic" digital effects on board. Might be worth checking out for the digital recall tech alone.
What turned me off several times from HK was, that there were ICs in the preamp section (of multiple HKs) which were IMO audible and contributed to the "cold" sound. Seems they added another tube here and probably made the signal path (except for the fx of course) all tube.
I hope that they will also launch something similar with EL34s. Not that anybody today would need stadium watts, but EL84s for me are way too much focused on mids.
I'll give it a try as soon as it is available in the shops.

Imagine they insert an interface for "profiles" into this amp . . .
Every Session Music video I've watched sounds great though!

Just wondering, I like that "greasy" sounding top end on the single notes when he digs in, is that an EL84 characteristic?
BEST demo so far IMO, sounds really fat on the grit and chimey on the cleans ....

IndyWS6":18cm370g said:
Another cool amp from H&K with a lot of potential --- that will be summarily ignored by most on this forum. :D

There is no gray area with H&K - you either like them or hate them. Personally, I like them and would give this one a shot. My Switchblade rips F'n ass. Just sayin'... ;)
This appears pretty cool, but imo worth about half what they're asking, so will be ingored.
This amp had much potential to me untill I saw the price in the UK. £1200..I can buy a freaking D-moll for another hundered quid.
xzyryabx":18q3cmrs said:
go figure...a week after I finally go for an Ironball!!!
not that the ironball isn't amazing!!!

For pure, warm tube tones, I doubt if this can hang with Ironball.