New H&K GrandMeister

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Regarding demos: No talking unless there is something so unique it must be described. I can figure out what you just did by listening and you panning over the controls. Stop talking. Also, I want to hear the amp, not your noodly playing, douche. Keerist, is it really so hard?
nice amp, £820 on thomann, but i asked my local store to match it(reidey's) and they would. can't decide on this, budda superdrive 18 and the orange th30":34wf9hbf said:
nice amp, £820 on thomann, but i asked my local store to match it(reidey's) and they would. can't decide on this, budda superdrive 18 and the orange th30

I ended up buying a DV Mark Multiamp off eBay instead.
bulletproof_funk":2i6t0mqs said:
Every Session Music video I've watched sounds great though!

Just wondering, I like that "greasy" sounding top end on the single notes when he digs in, is that an EL84 characteristic?

In my opinion, no it isn't. EL84s have a real warm and snarly character, similar to EL34s. It depends much more on the circuit as far getting a greasy top end or a dry, less saturated tone. I recently played a Friedman pink taco (84s) and it was very close in tone to a big full power modded Marshall with 34s. So close that it would have fooled me in a blind test. It had that big 3D, sort of elastic crunch and purr and was a bit dry, but in a good way. But it was saturated enough. Great balance.

I've played a lot of 84 powered amps and the one thing I think they all have in common is they are very warm and toneful and seem to hit the 'sweet spot' at a lower volume than their 50 and 100 watt counterparts.

I've always loved H&K and this amp looks and sounds great but the price is too high. Great Session demo!
Well i think that blue Tron style is really cool :D
And its sound great!I want to try this thing!