I currently own 6 Wizards (3 MTLs el34, 6L6 and KT88, MC2 KT88, a Hybrid el34 and W800 KT88, a fryette Ultra Lead and a Soldano SLO. I've had the BE100 and KSR Gemini (and currently have an Othos 2 on order)
All of these are great amps. The Wizards are my favorite followed by Fryette. They can do Death and LOG with ease (probably my 2 favorite bands). The MC2 and W800 are easier to play that stuff with a external boost, but it's not really needed if you have a strong picking hand. The SLO can get there too, but definitely need an external boost out front to tighten it up. The UL is a killer amp and it get's close to the Wizards, but the Wizards are just a notch above.
If you are going with Wizards, I definitely recommend the KT88 versions for their added thump an punch. Choosing between the MC2 and MTL, should really be more on voicing preference...the MC2 more high-mid and the MTL more low-mid. The Hybrid is a good compromise between the two, but doesn't quite have the mids of the MC2 and doesn't quite have the low-end thump of the MTL. It think a KT88 hybrid might be the ticket for me, or putting a depth knob on the hybrid instead of the contour (but then that would really just be an MTL with an MC2 high-mid voicing...which isn't necessarily a bad thing).
Looking forward to getting my KSR. I sold my Gemini because I felt my UL covered it and I had GAS for other stuff. I regretted that decision. The KSR offers a ton of versatility if you need that.
The Friedman stuff is great, but it's a little to dark, compressed and smooth for my tastes. I prefer a brighter, more raw, cutting and aggressive tone that the other amps you listed just do better.