I have a Skeleton Key and an Ares. I've also owned an Orthos and a buddy loaned me his Gemini for a couple weeks to try before I place my order for the Ares. I've played several Friedman and owned a JJ jr briefly. I bought the JJ jr after having to sell my Monomyth Superlead trying to fill that void. Needless to say it did work. The Ares is my go to amp for 75% of my playing with my Mark IV and Skeleton Key equally divided with the remaining 25%. I bought and sold a lot of amps over the past couple years and came back to Monomyth and KSR. The Ares has 2 masters so its basically 2 channels with a shared EQ. I love it even though its kind of a 1 channel amp it covers a lot of ground. I can do a slight crunch to high gain.
The Monomyth is a high gain monster and as far as high gain
Marshall type its my favorite. Followed by Ceriatone, Splawn, and Friedman last. Ive owned a Kemper, HX Stomp, and QC plus tried the Neural DSP Slo plug in and I have never liked the SLO models. I know that is not a fair judgement of the actual amp but its made me adverse to trying the real one but its enough to make me not want to take that chance.
I would love to try a Wizard but I wouldnt be able to crank it so thats probably going to prevent me from ever chunking out 5k for one. Really there are only 2 amps that are on my wish list and my price range which is the KSR Juno and Omega Granophyre. Honestly we as guitarist are terrible at getting relatively the same amps repackaged with maybe 5% more features or 5% better tone. I think you have the right idea of having a specific amp to cover a range of tones. Thats what I have decided to do myself - a hot rodded marshall, a 5150 type amp, a mark series, and a KSR.