new Lynch and Yngwie suck but this is great

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Calling someone you don't even know and who's probably 100x the player you are arrogant based on a video performance?

Didn't say arrogant. Said he hams it up too much for my tastes.
Settle down.
Didn't say arrogant. Said he hams it up too much for my tastes.
Settle down.
Settle down lol that's rich coming from someone hating on random YT videos.
Anyway, talking to you is clearly a race to the bottom so carry on.
Settle down lol that's rich coming from someone hating on random YT videos.
Anyway, talking to you is clearly a race to the bottom so carry on.

First you said I called him arrogant.
Now you're saying I'm hating on him.

Is it you in the videos?
At least that would explain why you're so fucking bent out of shape.
The way he carries himself? Did you guys go out for dinner or something? How do you even know how he carries himself?

He's a flashy performer with solid chops, modern music could use more of these guys these days.
Lol not exactly. What I mean is listening to him talk in an interview ..the way he postures, looks, facial expressions. Screams I'm too good for this and for you. Sort of has that Malmsteen ego going on except he wasn't the first to do it and craft that look and sound. Either way no biggie, I've slept with girls I didn't like so no different here with music. He's a good musician but I:ve def seen this type of player alot. He has great tone though, I'd be interested in what his gear is.
Settle down lol that's rich coming from someone hating on random YT videos.
Anyway, talking to you is clearly a race to the bottom so carry on.
You are def. Seem to be taking it a bit personally here. If not you is it your buddy or something ? Who gives a shit what we think anyway? But it's a guitar forum for players and gear nerds so it's all on the table for discussion and yes this guy tries very hard and is borderline over doing it.

But again....great fucking tone. I'd rather have a gear walkthrough than watch another vid of him in leather pants though.
i must have watched those two solos 20 times each again. this dude is my new favorite. i searched for the dude thinking i was gonna find a death metal dude based on this song and others he wrote for Poppy, not some sort of jimi meets schon meets eddie meets SRV kind of dude as it sounds to me with tone like that. i didnt get any kind of douchey vibes in that fender vid i posted at least, seems like a fun enough dude into white lion.

lukather is a world class player. so is guthrie who i am watching now. neither of them are as good as this dude :dunno:

That dude is definitely a badass with killer tone, but to say that neither Lukather nor Govan is as good as him is ridiculous. I’d go as far as to say that Govan is on a completely different level, and has probably forgotten more than this dude knows. Dude is wicked, but Govan is an alien…
That dude is definitely a badass with killer tone, but to say that neither Lukather nor Govan is as good as him is ridiculous. I’d go as far as to say that Govan is on a completely different level, and has probably forgotten more than this dude knows. Dude is wicked, but Govan is an alien…
Yeah the dude is good and all but Govan? He can't touch Guthrie but that's just my opinion. I don't mind the dudes persona...milktoasts generally get ignored.
lukather is a world class player. so is guthrie who i am watching now. neither of them are as good as this dude :dunno:

You're entitled to your opinion but I wouldn't share it too much publicly unless you want lots of people telling you you're nuts.

As others have said, Guthrie is on a completely different level than that guy, and I argue Luke is more rounded than him too.
But hey, opinions are like assholes.

I saw YJM in a club in Winston-Salem NC in 1989 and have seen alot of famous guitar players long before the internet. Let me tell you that mother fucker unleashed the fury that night for damn sure. I have never seen anything like it before only heard it on recordings. He would have sent Vai and Gilbert and so on packing. It was fuckn rediculious how good that dude was.
Yngwie would wipe the floor with all these mfers like him or not.

No doubt Yngwie is a one bad motherfucking virtuoso. No one plays like him.
Lots sound like it but they don't have his hands and brain wiring.
Same goes for Stevie Ray Vaughn. Millions of guys can play that style but
he did it like it had been in his DNA since birth.

Big problem with Yngwie is he's derivative and very one dimensional. Listen
to Paganini's Caprices. It's like Yngwie learned them as a child, perfected the shit
out of them such he could improvise in that style, an then mixed it with a Hendrix
bluesy rock vibe.

I've seen a lot of the mega dudes from up close through the years and the one
that made my jaw bleed worse than all of them was Holdsworth.

Technique like no other, extreme virtuosity , and the dude created his own harmonic

And he could make it work over a standard backing.

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Listen to the licks he does when he goes up high at 2:45

What the bloody hell scale/melody is that??? :oops: o_O :oops:

You're entitled to your opinion but I wouldn't share it too much publicly unless you want lots of people telling you you're nuts.

As others have said, Guthrie is on a completely different level than that guy, and I argue Luke is more rounded than him too.
But hey, opinions are like assholes.

where exactly is he on "completely different" level?? im not sure how one could watch that lady gaga vid and say anyone is on some kind of different level than this dude. i like guthrie, as i said hes a world class player but this particular vid sounds like a stiff scale practice warm up vid or something in comparison with nothing really memorable going on :dunno: ive been walking around for three days now with this dudes hooky solos stuck in my head, only all time great solos like stairway, sweet childomine, southern man and those types have accomplished that. now im watching this one which i missed somehow and its gonna be stuck in my head too

where exactly is he on "completely different" level??

What I'm referring to is his phrasing. It's tough to pick out sometimes.
Check out this one that's isolated. He's playing some really nice rock and shredding stuff
and then he'll come up with these lines that sound so 'out' at first but just flow perfectly
with the melody. Lines where you can't point to many other players doing similar phrases.

AGAIN, Chris is ridiculously insane. I wouldn't even hold a guitar within 100 feet of the guy.
I'm not taking anything away from him. Just stupid opinions.
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Yngwie up to Eclipse is just on another level and that's just facts. But Gilbert was no slouch with Racer X either. Neither was Vinnie Moore etc etc. These guys are recognizable right away. This kid isn't ...he doesn't come to mind when I hear him. Anyway doesn't diminish the fact that he can rip. He just wasn't " first" in any of it. But he's cocky. Maybe you need to be in the industry to carve a spot out for yourself. Worked for Connor McGregor, do what you gotta do.
Btw listening to the dua Lipa clip, I hear YJM's signal chain ( most likely ), his phrasing, and Warren's signature legato riff with some Racer X thrown in. So did I think of this guy when he played it? Nope, I thought of Yngwie, Warren, and Paul. Also totally overdone hair and image here. He annoys me now after watching a few vids .. but hey, to each their own.